Auction of 34 recovered assets yields 1.7 billion kwanzas


The auction of 34 vehicles seized as part of the state property recovery process, held Sunday, raised 1.7 billion kwanzas, twice the expected value (771, 6 million Kz).

Some 1,980 people participated in the sale, which was carried out on the Internet via the platform of the General Tax Administration (AGT), said the director of the National Service for the Recovery of State Assets, Eduarda Rodrigues.

Eduarda Rodrigues, who put the number of offers at 568, said the amount resulting from these sales will be in charge of the State – National Bank of Angola (BNA) – until the end of the process, in accordance with article 233 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

She said that many question the early sale of the seized goods before the completion of the process, but she replied that the law allows it (article 233 of the code of criminal procedure).

The auction of vehicles and boats takes place in public auction, on the electronic platform of the General Administration of Taxes (AGT) www.leilã, where thousands of taxpayers can compete purchase.

During the process, the AGT system will automatically determine the winners without any human intervention

Source: Angola Press News Agency