AU Summit Stresses Democracy and Good Governance for Peace and Development in Africa

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — During the 37th African Union (AU) Ordinary Summit, the assembly of heads of state and government underscored the essential role of democracy and good governance in securing sustainable peace and development across the continent. This message was conveyed by Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, who briefed the media on the discussions regarding the continent’s peace, security situation, and governance challenges.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the assembly deliberated on the current peace situation, unconstitutional changes of government, and other pertinent issues affecting the continent. He highlighted the assembly’s concern over the peace and security landscape in Africa, noting the exponential spread of threats such as terrorism, violent extremism, radicalization, transnational organized crimes, rebellion, insurrection, and increasing regional tensions.

The commissioner expressed the assembly’s ongoing worries about the trend of unconstitutional changes in government across Africa, revealing that six countries are currently suspended from the African Union due to their undemocratic ascension to power. The assembly reiterated its zero-tolerance stance on unconstitutional changes of government and emphasized the importance of supporting the political transition agendas of these countries to restore constitutionalism, the rule of law, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Furthermore, Adeoye reaffirmed Africa’s commitment to the principles outlined in the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance, emphasizing the need to promote peace and stability in regions such as the Horn of Africa, the Great Lakes, Libya, the Sahel, and Mozambique.

The summit discussions also focused on the challenges related to unconstitutional changes of government, with a commitment to fighting for democracy and condemning these challenges. The commissioner assured that the AU remains dedicated to strengthening its efforts towards achieving lasting peace and security on the continent.

Additionally, Commissioner Adeoye called on the warring parties in Sudan to engage in peace talks, pledging the AU’s continued support in facilitating these discussions.

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