ATMIS, SNA Open Up Key Blockaded Routes in Lower Shabelle region

Early morning of 16th August, 2023, the joint forces of UPDF serving under African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and Somali National Army (SNA), successfully opened up a 14Kms Beledul-amin-Qoryoley route in lower Shabelle region. The route clearance operation was conducted in order to allow freedom of movement for travelers and goods from Qoryoley to Mogadishu and other regions. For several years, travelers had abandoned the route due to numerous bombs planted by Al-Shabaab. During the joint operation, forces discovered two improvised explosive devices; a pressure plate and a remote controlled device located in the vicinity of Dalbyang Bridge. ATMIS Counter improvised explosive device team supporting the joint forces, successfully detonated them in place. In the second phase of ATMIS drawdown, forces are mandated to jointly conduct offensive operations in order to deny Al-Shabaab militants freedom of action and enable Somali Security Forces take full security responsibility of the liberated areas. ‘The AS have now resorted to emplacement of IEDs on main supply routes. This is a desperate move to delay movement and supply of goods. The leadership of AS are now more worried as the second phase of Somali CONOPS by joint Forces of SNA and ATMIS is due to commence and will see a decisive operations against. This is meant to completely degrade AS and drive them out of their hideouts’, ATMIS Force Spokesperson, Abdullahi Hassan Ganale said. ATMIS is committed to peace and stability in Somalia and will not relent on battle against AS and other terrorist groups in Somalia. The people of Somalia and their welfare is at the centre of our mandate and as such we have a duty to protect them and their interests towards a peaceful, stable and prosperous Somalia.

Source: Somali National News Agency

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