ATFD announces launch of Women’s Assembly of Tunisia

On International Women’s Day, the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women (ATFD), on Wednesday, announced the launch of the Tunisian Women’s Assembly.

At a conference held in Tunis, ATFD President Neila Zoghlami said the assembly is made up of 68 women’s associations operating across the country.

“The assembly seeks to promote women’s empowerment,” she said, adding it will serve as a forum to discuss the challenges encountered by Tunisian women and will seek to place the issue of women’s rights at the heart of all public policies.

She added that workshops will be held in the next two days to set the orientations and goals of the assembly, its action plan as well as the periodicity of the evaluation and follow-up meetings.

Sociologist and member of the ATFD Fathia Saïdi pointed out that Tunisia’s recent crisis has exacerbated the economic and social situation in the country and revealed women’s gains were vulnerable.

Pour sa part, Sarra Ben Saïd, directrice exécutive de l’association « Aswat Nissaa » a signalé que la représentativité des femmes au parlement n’a cessé de baisser passant de 36% en 2014 à 23% en 2019 et à 16,2% en 2023.

Saïdi deplored the absence of the principle of parity in the new electoral code and the silence of the State amid the proliferation of all forms of violence against women. She recalled that the ATFD has recorded 8 murders of women in one single month.

Executive Director of “Aswat Nissa” association Sarra Ben Saïd reported that the women’s representation parliament has continuously decreased, falling from 36% in 2014 to 23% in 2019 and to 16.2% in 2023.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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