Ouagadougou – The Association of Women in the Mining Sector of Burkina Faso (AFEMIB) organized a training workshop on Wednesday to address the management of environmental and social risks and impacts linked to mining from a gender perspective.
According to Burkina Information Agency, the training aimed to equip its members with the necessary tools to manage the environmental and social risks associated with industrial or artisanal mining. “This activity aims to provide the necessary basics to our members to enable them to carry out, in turn, awareness activities for the benefit of women who work in industrial or artisanal mining sites,” said AFEMIB Secretary Annonciata Thiombiano.
The Secretary General of the association noted that this training follows visits to artisanal and modern mines and is part of the celebration of the International Day of Women in the Mining Sector, held annually on June 15. The training, structured as a workshop, will consist of three sequences, as indicated by consultant Michel Bamogo.
Participants will first understand the environmental and social risks and impacts of mining projects, analyze the consequences of these risks, and determine whether men or women are more impacted. The final point will involve proposing solutions to reduce environmental and social impacts for both genders, explained Bamogo.
AFEMIB was established by pioneering women to address various challenges for women working in the mining sector and those impacted by mining projects. The association engages in awareness-raising, training, and implementing mini-projects. It was officially recognized by the Burkinabe state in 2004.