Article by Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias, in the Greek edition of the Economist magazine (an insert in the “Ta Nea” newspaper) (28.01.2023)


“The wager of stability in the Eastern Mediterranean”

The Eastern Mediterranean constitutes a field where a complex network of bilateral and multilateral regional relations is developing. Although regional and external actors’ primary concern and demand have always been stability and the establishment of regional security conditions, their fulfillment is confronted with various challenges.

For Greece, Türkiye’s systematic policy of disputes and claims to the detriment of our country’s territorial sovereignty and sovereign rights remains at the core of the challenges related to Greece’s position in the Eastern Mediterranean region. This policy is now characterized by a significant qualitative differentiation.

We are faced with a gradual escalation of unprecedented revisionist rhetoric and a constant attempt by Türkiye to reverse reality. Among these is Türkiye’s conclusion of illegal and null and void agreements, such as the two “Memoranda” with Libya, which further complicate an already complex situation.

An important aspect of the Greek-Turkish confrontation is the Cyprus issue. Türkiye’s recent efforts to upgrade the status of the pseudo-state internationally constitute a qualitative differentiation of the issue. For Greek foreign policy, the settlement of the Cyprus issue is a top priority. We support the achievement of a just and viable solution, based on the UNSC Resolutions, compatible with the European acquis, a solution for the creation of a bicommunal, bizonal federation.

Another dimension of the challenges concerns the increased refugee flows. In addition, the issue of harnessing the South-Eastern Mediterranean region’s natural resources, and turning it into an energy hub in a manner that is compatible with collective security issues and beneficial to the economic interests of all parties involved is also at the forefront. Of course, special provision should be made for areas in the Mediterranean with threatened ecosystems or areas of outstanding natural beauty, such as the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea, which have significant cultural value as well as a significant financial footprint due to tourism.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) includes specific provisions for the protection of the environment on the high seas, which is a common good for all of us. In this regard, Greece has undertaken to host the “Our Ocean Conference” in 2024.  This initiative was launched in 2014 by the then-US Secretary of State and current US Presidential Special Envoy for Climate, John Kerry.

In the volatile context of the Middle East, there are significant challenges associated with the efforts to resolve the Palestinian issue. Developments take on even greater significance following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, developments in Iran, Türkiye’s apparent attempt to reach out to Israel and Egypt, and Türkiye’s recent airstrikes in northern Syria and Iraq, coupled with the threat of ground attacks.

So, are the deep waters of the Eastern Mediterranean so troubled? There are developments, however, that, in my opinion, give reason for optimism and hope as there are many who share the view that the Eastern Mediterranean can become an area of cooperation and understanding.

The Abraham Accords and the EEZ delimitation Αgreement between Israel and Lebanon can rightly be described as ‘historic’.  The latter, in particular, settles a long-standing issue on the basis of International Law and the International Law of the Sea. The EEZ Delimitation Αgreement between Greece and Egypt, which I had the honor to sign with my Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, is another great example of how countries can resolve their differences peacefully, through dialogue, on the basis of International Law. Its importance lies not only in its nature as a model but also in the possibility of establishing energy interconnections between Europe and Africa, with the aim of ensuring energy self-sufficiency.

Equally significant is the EEZ Delimitation Agreement signed with Italy in 2020, which confirms our commitment to International Law and the International Law of the Sea, as well as our will to contribute to regional stability. Furthermore, we have agreed in principle with Albania to refer the issue of EEZ delimitation to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

In 2022, the international community was faced with a hitherto inconceivable reality for the 21st century: a war on European soil. The repercussions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the Eastern Mediterranean are affecting the power relations being developed in the region and could destabilise fragile balances.

Although Türkiye’s presence in the Eastern Mediterranean security system cannot be disregarded, there are issues that touch upon the core of our national sovereignty and, as such, are not open to debate. We reject the idea that pursuing a policy with the threat of the use of force, with the threat of war, could constitute a powerful negotiating argument.

We unequivocally reject the idea that provocative rhetoric and the presentation of extreme revisionist positions could serve as a springboard for the fulfillment of any geostrategic ambition that is devoid of any notion of respect for International Law.

Greece, an EU country with a pivotal role in the Eastern Mediterranean, is committed to fostering a stable and secure environment, always in accordance with International Law. A crucial stake for Greek foreign policy is to demonstrate that the Eastern Mediterranean is not primarily a sea of disputes and confrontations. It is, first and foremost, a sea of peace, coexistence, and cooperation. The awareness of the need to transcend dividing lines as well as the commitment to harmonious coexistence and constructive cooperation serve as our compass in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean should serve as a bridge of cooperation and mutual understanding among Europe, the Arab world, and Africa.