Arms Trafficking in Horn of Africa Threatens Regional Stability, Says Security Expert


ADDIS ABABA: Arms trafficking in the Horn of Africa is poised to destabilize the region, empowering terrorist activities and undermining peace efforts, a security expert has warned. Professor Ayele Bekerie, Head of the Security and Strategic Education Department at the War College, expressed concerns over the escalating situation in an interview.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, Ethiopia’s foreign policy emphasizes cooperation with neighboring countries for shared development and peace. The nation is recognized globally for its peacekeeping missions, notably in Africa, and has made significant sacrifices for the stability of neighboring countries, including Somalia. However, recent developments have raised alarms, particularly Egypt’s involvement in Somalia, allegedly under the guise of peacekeeping.

Professor Ayele highlighted that Egypt’s actions in the Horn, driven by its stance on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), threaten to destabilize the region. He condemned Egypt’s alleged supply of ar
ms to Somalia, suggesting it could exacerbate regional instability and empower groups like al-Shabaab, which poses a common threat to regional security.

The professor urged the Somali government to refrain from aligning with forces opposed to Ethiopia’s interests and called for regional cooperation to counter the emerging threat. He drew parallels to Sudan’s experience, where Egyptian military presence purportedly fueled internal conflict, warning that a similar scenario could unfold in Somalia.

Professor Ayele emphasized that Ethiopia, with its large population, should pursue peaceful strategies to secure access to the sea, underscoring the importance of diplomacy and mutual benefit in resolving regional tensions.