ANGEL_SD Leads Dialogue on Climate Resilience in Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou — A meeting centered on knowledge sharing for social groups affected by climate change was held on Saturday, led by the president of the African Network Association on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development (ANGEL_SD), Oureratou Ouédraogo.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the purpose of the gathering was to amplify the experiences of those who typically do not have a voice in climate discussions and to carry these perspectives to the decision-making tables at the upcoming COP 28, scheduled from November 24 to December 13, 2023, in Dubai.

Ouédraogo addressed participants in Ouagadougou during the implementation workshop of the project “African Activists for Climate Justice.” The workshop convened various groups, including those with disabilities, farmers, herders, students, and scholars, to address climate justice in preparation for COP 28.

“Climate change affects everyone, and every individual has the right to engage in discourse and decision-making processes,” stated Ouédraogo.

She highlighted that the COPs are attended annually by delegates from different countries, including herself, offering a platform to collect community proposals for high-level discussions.

The event was described as an intergenerational dialogue workshop, bringing together participants of all ages, from students to elders, to exchange ideas and strategies to enhance community resilience to climate change.

El Hadj Ablassé Compaoré, the traditional chief of the Koulgandogo village, expressed concerns about the adverse effects of climate change on local harvests and stressed the need for collective responsibility and action.

He praised the workshop’s inclusive approach and stressed the potential benefits of promoting renewable energy solutions, such as biogas, though he noted the need for improved oversight and local skill development for such initiatives to succeed.

The workshop forms part of the “African Activists for Climate Justice” program, a five-year initiative supported by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, involving Burkina Faso and seven other countries. This strategic program aims to raise awareness and foster a collaborative approach to climate justice among young and women farmers, herders, people with disabilities, the displaced, and regional and national authorities across several regions in Burkina Faso.

The program is delivered by a consortium consisting of PACJA, Natural Justice, Femnet, OXFAM, and the African Youth Commission.

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