Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ speech at the ‘European Days of Youth’ – main points (Zappeion, 08.05.2022)


“European citizens are asking for more Europe. And we should demand greater efficiency in the European institutions, a faster response to problems and a European Union that is closer to the youth. Youth represents the future and is the guarantor of the longevity of the complex project that is the European Union, which is our home”.

This was the message sent today by Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, upon concluding the open live dialogue he had with young men and women in Zappeion, in the context of the European Days of Youth, co-organized by the European Parliament Liaison Office and the Representation of the European Commission in Greece. The event was held on the occasion of ‘Europe Day’ and the declaration of the year 2022 as the ‘European Year of Youth’, aiming at bringing young people to discuss in person with the Alternate Minister about Europe’s current and future challenges.

In particular, Mr. Varvitsiotis pointed out that we need more Europe for young people, families and the protection of social rights. After all, as he remarked, Europe is distinguished worldwide for the development of its democratic institutions, for the respect of the Rule of Law and for the unparalleled level of protection of human rights.

Responding to a question about the Conference on the Future of Europe, the Alternate Minister noted that it was an unprecedented and ambitious undertaking that “despite the organizational difficulties, went well, but we need to draw lessons from its inadequacies and see how we can proceed with this dialogue”.

Referring to the response to the energy crisis, Mr. Varvitsiotis reiterated that Europe should exploit the natural gas reserves of the Southeastern Mediterranean, part of which belong to its member states, such as Cyprus.

Finally, responding to a question about Europe’s stance towards Turkey’s provocative and revisionist conduct, he stressed that in the event of a crisis we should be prepared and determined to repel any threat on our own.

The President of the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government, Ms Paraskevi Dramalioti, also addressed the event.