Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ medal decoration by the Order of the Knights of Malta (Rome, 04.11.2022)


“It is a great honour for me to be awarded the “Grand Cross of the Order of the Knights of Malta”, a high distinction by the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Rhodes, and Malta, especially at a time when Greece and the Order are beginning the journey of their diplomatic relations”. This was emphasized by Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis during the ceremony of his decoration today with the “Grand Cross of the Order of the Knights” (Gran Croce dell’ Ordine al Merito Melitensi) at the Order’s seat, Villa Magistrale on the Aventine Hill in Rome.

“This distinction, which is an act of recognition by one of the most historic Christian humanitarian organizations in the world, is of particular importance to me personally and to my country”, Mr. Varvitsiotis said, emphasizing that it is a special honour for him that he contributed to the establishment of diplomatic ties between our country and the Order, thus making Greece one of more than 100 countries that maintain diplomatic relations with the Knights of Malta.

The Alternate Minister also expressed pride in Rhodes being part of the Order’s historical heritage and a strong link between the Order and our country. Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Greek people for the fact that the Order defended Rhodes against the Ottoman invaders and for its ongoing support for the preservation of Hagia Sophia.

“Your support for the preservation of the landmark monument of Hagia Sophia means a lot to us. The conversion of this universal symbol into a mosque is a deep wound for the entire Christianity”, he pointedly said. Simultaneously, he underscored that the Order’s commitment to human life transcends nations, religions, and cultures, facilitating inter-religious dialogue and cooperation and that its mission provides “inspiration in a world marked by harsh realities”.

It is noted that the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Rhodes, and Malta is, after the Red Cross, one of the largest volunteer forces in Italy, with increased expertise in natural disaster response and assisted our country in tackling the catastrophic fires of 2021. Greece and the Order of the Knights of Malta established diplomatic relations in December 2021 through a legislative initiative by Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, which was ratified by the Hellenic Parliament, while a relevant exchange of notes verbales ensures that on the part of the Order, there is no claim to property in Greece.