Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ interview with “tomanifesto” newspaper and journalist Dora Koutrokoi (27.10.2022)


“To tension and polarization, we respond with seriousness, but also with the necessary composure. We do not play Mr. Erdogan’s game”, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis signaled in an interview with “tomanifesto” newspaper and journalist Dora Koutrokoi, emphasizing that revisionism is not in line with the principles and values of the modern Western world. He noted, among other things, that the fanaticism deliberately cultivated inside Turkey leads to tension rather than de-escalation, adding that the road to the Turkish elections will be fraught with polarization, which is why we need to remain vigilant and well-prepared. The Alternate Minister also underscored that our country is responding to Turkey’s instrumentalization of migrants with a modern migration policy that prioritizes human life while making it clear that anyone who believes that Greece will be transformed from a European country into a transit country for migrants and refugees is in for a rude awakening.

The full interview is as follows:

JOURNALIST: Ankara is stepping up its provocative rhetoric and revisionism on a daily basis. In the end, how certain can we be that words will not be translated into action?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: Every day, Mr. Erdogan fabricates issues that, in reality, do not exist using unhistorical allegations and maximalist approaches. However, Turkey’s constant aggressive conduct towards us is not in its best interest. Unfortunately, the Turkish President continues to fire revisionist flares, trapped in the obsessions of a bygone era’s greatness. He must steer the ship in the direction of logic, cooperation, and good neighbourly relations. It is not us who oppose dialogue with Turkey, but it depends on the behaviour of its leadership; we, on our part, will defend our sovereign rights and our territorial integrity if deemed necessary.

JOURNALIST: Recently, the Turks have been posting maps showing that Greece is within range of Turkish missiles. How does Athens perceive this, considering that a few hours ago we saw the test-firing of a new short-range Tayfun ballistic missile?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: We are closely following the provocative displays of our neighbours as well as their need to demonstrate their military power. I believe that Turkey is irritated by our targeted effort in recent years to upgrade and strengthen our Armed Forces. We have embarked on a bold armament program, acquiring high-tech and efficient weapon systems, which shield the country’s defence and create a new balance in the Aegean; we are building an impenetrable safety net for our land and maritime borders. But we are responding to tension and polarization with seriousness, but also with the necessary composure. We are not playing Mr. Erdogan’s game.

JOURNALIST: Do you believe Erdogan is following in Putin’s footsteps or do you think that the Turkish President’s stance is motivated more by the messages he wants to send to his own country in light of the Turkish elections? Experts say that with the economy in the doldrums, all Erdogan has to offer his audience is a spectacle.

M. VARVITSIOTIS: Revisionism is not in line with the principles and values of the modern Western world. The Turkish leadership’s aggressive rhetoric is currently linked to Mr. Erdogan’s need to manage his personal image and political ambitions in light of the difficult elections in 2023.

Unfortunately, however, the fanaticism he is deliberately cultivating within his own country is leading to tension rather than de-escalation. We are also concerned by the fact that in present-day Turkey, anti-Hellenism is an appealing product that all political forces want to promote. Nowadays, Turkey lacks the calm voices that would put a stop to the advocates of revisionism and say ‘that’s it, we want to live in peace with the Greeks’. The road to the Turkish elections will be fraught with polarization, which is why we need to remain vigilant and well-prepared.

JOURNALIST: Greece has chosen to internationalize Turkish provocations and I wonder if you are satisfied with the support, both from our NATO allies and from the US and Europe?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: Greece has adopted the successful strategy of internationalizing Turkish provocations and is constantly informing its allies about the unacceptable and extreme behaviour of Turkey’s leadership. We are deepening our ties with our partners, as evidenced by the German Chancellor’s visit to Athens today and the talks with the Prime Minister. Europe now realizes that Turkey approaches the West a la carte and whenever it pleases them. Furthermore, there is strong concern among our partners about Ankara’s refusal to ratify Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO accession agreements and to impose sanctions on Russia. Ankara is constantly exposed and the international community must not turn a blind eye to such behaviour.

JOURNALIST: Nonetheless, despite international reactions, including those from Germany and the USA, the most recent being Scholz’s and Senator Menendez’s reaction to the incident involving the 92 refugees in Evros, Turkey persists in its revisionist plans and the illegal Turkish-Libyan “memorandum”. But even on the migration issue, it is far from complying. Do you believe that Erdogan is out of control?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: The so-called Turkish-Libyan “memorandum” is an invalid fabrication, devoid of legal and diplomatic substance, reflecting Ankara’s provocative strategy that disregards any concept of International Law. We, on our part, act as a factor of peace and stability, while we have entered into strategic agreements with Egypt and Israel. And that demonstrates that the other side is irritated. Turkey continues to instrumentalize defenseless people and spreads fake news in an attempt to harm Greece. However, the facts themselves restore the truth. We are a modern democratic country that prioritizes human life, as demonstrated in Kythera and Evros. We are pursuing a modern migration policy and we are doing our utmost to protect Europe’s borders. Anyone who believes that Greece will be transformed from a European country into a transit country for migrants and refugees is in for a rude awakening.