Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ interview with “Political” newspaper and journalist Sotiris Pikoulas (Athnes, 17.12.2022)


“There is no more time to waste. Bold decisions need to be taken here and now” so as to address the energy crisis at the European Union level, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, underlines in an interview with the newspaper “Political” and journalist Sotiris Pikoulas, recalling that Greece, on its part, acted immediately by submitting a package of measures for a sustainable energy future and by creating a social safety net for its citizens against rising prices.  Referring to Ankara’s continued provocative rhetoric, Mr. Varvitsiotis estimates that it is linked to the election period in the neighbouring country, noting that “we are not falling into the trap of Mr Erdogan’s polarisation, but we are fully prepared to defend our sovereign rights and our territorial integrity, if deems necessary”. Regarding the Qatargate, the Alternate Minister stresses the need for transparency and strict rules in the functioning of the European institutions. “Europe is our home and we must protect it”, he pointedly states. Finally, Mr. Varvitsiotis expresses his conviction that the Greek people will give a new strong mandate to the Mitsotakis government in order to continue its work, underscoring that “significant leaps forward” have been made with “significant benefits for the citizens of West Athens, whom I have the honour to represent in the Greek Parliament”.

The full interview is as follows:

JOURNALIST: The Kaili case and the Qatargate scandal in general “tarnish” the European Parliament, and consequently the democratic institutions of the European Union. How should we shield ourselves?

M. VARViTSIOTIS: The European Parliament must function in a transparent manner, and its decisions must be based on the interests of citizens rather than economic interests. The European Parliament’s external relations with third countries, in particular, must not be based on practices involving non- transparent procedures resulting from suspicious dealings with lobbies. In the face of such cases of corruption, strict rules on decision transparency and the functioning of European institutions are clearly required. At a time when all kinds of Eurosceptics, populists and extremists are lurking, we have to defend the European edifice’s principles and values. “Europe is our home and we must protect it”.

JOURNALIST: SYRIZA insists on its opposition regarding the phone-tapping and recently asked the ruling party’s ministers and MPs to “bring down” Mitsotakis…

M. VARVITSIOTIS: It is clear that SYRIZA continues investing in polarization and toxic arguments, as it has failed to attract citizens with its positions until today. In its attempt to reclaim the levers of power, it frequently exceeds all limits and ethical  standards. Neither New Democracy nor the general public are surprised by this. In fact, Mr Tsipras has failed to present a serious plan to address the major issues that citizens face and is attempting to undermine New Democracy by constantly shouting and throwing mud. He is trapped in the deep rigidities and bankrupt mentalities of yesterday, and he appears to not have received the message of the previous national elections. When the Greek people go to the polls in the coming months, they will choose between a party that leads the country into the future with security, stability and growth and a party that wants to take Greece backwards. I have complete faith in the citizens’ judgment, and I am confident that with their support and vote, they will give the green light to our plan for a new four-year term with a clear majority.

JOURNALIST: We thought, for a moment that Turkey would turn to its eastern front in Syria, but it came back with strong provocative statements, including the threat to send Typhoon missiles to Athens. How do you think Greek-Turkish relations will develop in the run-up to the elections?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: Unfortunately, Turkey continues its provocations and threats against Greece, which -let us not forget – is a NATO ally. It is already clear that all political forces in the neighboring country are instrumentalising Greek-Turkish relations to mobilize and strengthen each side’s electoral base in the run-up to the crucial 2023 elections. As a result, we believe the polarization game will continue as long as Turkey is in an election period. During the recent General Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, I stressed to my counterparts that we need to send the message that candidate countries, such as Turkey, cannot threaten EU member states with attacks. In this regard, I cited Mr Erdogan’s recent statement that he is going to use his medium-range missile against Athens. This is not acceptable. Europe must form a comprehensive strategy towards Turkey. Turkey cannot ignore European sanctions against Russia in order to protect its own interests, while European citizens suffer from high energy prices and Ankara threatens a neighboring country. Furthermore, Europe cannot ignore any conduct that violates the rule of law, such as the conviction of Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu. We are not falling into the trap of Mr Erdogan’s polarisation, but we are fully prepared to defend our sovereign rights and our territorial integrity if deems necessary.

JOURNALIST: In a recent visit to a local organisation in Chaidari the Prime Minister said that we have to pay special attention to local problems. Has an MP’s work become more difficult in the popular districts, such as the western suburbs of Athens?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: In difficult circumstances, as a result of the pandemic and the subsequent energy crisis, Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ government has focused on the serious issues that concern citizens and is implementing a coherent plan to improve everyday life, increase job opportunities, and consolidate an atmosphere of security in the neighborhoods. We do not claim to have solved all of the problems, but we have made significant leaps forward compared to 2019, and we are continuing. Our actions and the results of our policies have been of significant benefit to the citizens of West Athens, whom I have the honour to represent in the Greek Parliament. We have achieved tangible results: I recall the reduction in unemployment, the undergrounding of high-voltage cables in Egaleo and Agia Varvara, the extension of the metro line, the environmental upgrading of Poikilon Oros, the great opportunities provided by the Recovery and Resilience Fund for small and medium-sized enterprises in our municipalities. This effort will be renewed with even greater determination and impetus once we receive a strong popular mandate, which I am fully confident the Greek people will give us in the upcoming national elections.

JOURNALIST: Do you believe that we have sufficiently addressed the rising prices and the energy crisis? Can more resources be provided from the state budget to support vulnerable citizens?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: The entire Europe is facing significant problems with rising prices and inflation, primarily as a result of the turmoil caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We must emphasize that this is not a Greek problem, but an international one. From the very first moment we foresaw the consequences of a military conflict in Europe’s neighbourhood, we did not simply sit back but rather acted immediately to protect our citizens, focusing on those most in need. Taking into account the fiscal space, we have gradually created a social safety net based on targeted, people-centered actions. Allow me to recall the increase in the minimum wage, the increased child benefit, the “household basket”, the 250 euro emergency aid  that our fellow citizens, who are hardly making ends meet, will receive immediately, the increase in pensions that is being implemented  for the first time since the era of  the fiscal adjustment programmes. These measures, when combined with the government’s basic tax-cut strategy, have had the effect of increasing disposable income during a difficult period. This policy will be continued, as outlined in the 2023 budget, and as Greek economic indicators improve, we will return dividends to the society. We always act with seriousness and responsibility, prudence and planning, and we demonstrate in practice that New Democracy is a great liberal and popular party that fights for all Greeks’ interests.

JOURNALIST: Finally, what were the decisions of the European Council, and why is the EU delaying action on such a major issue as the energy crisis?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: In fact, the EU has been long overdue in finding a common ground for a holistic approach to the energy crisis and for the gradual decoupling of Europe from the Russian factor. I remind you that Greece acted immediately and submitted a package of measures against the backdrop of a sustainable energy future that addresses tomorrow’s challenges. The controversial plan has the support of other EU partners, who are approaching in the same way a durable solution to such a serious issue. There is no more time to waste.  At their meeting next Monday, the member states’ energy ministers have to agree on a common European response to the energy crisis. Bold decisions are needed here and now!

JOURNALIST: Are we as a country convinced that Albania and Edi Rama’s intentions for European modernization and a final solution to the EEZs on the basis of International Law are genuine?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: Greece supports the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries. Albania’s accession perspective presupposes the fulfilment of the relevant criteria concerning respect for the rights of the Greek minority and good neighbourly relations. Greece has made it clear to the neighbouring country that the settlement of the maritime zones’ delimitation goes through the reference of the issue to the International Court of Justice in the Hague and we expect the Albanian authorities to proceed immediately with the preparatory actions required.

JOURNALIST: Do you have any comment on Antonis Samaras’ speech at the inauguration of his Foundation. Does what he said reflect the truth?

M. VARVITSIOTIS: The views of a former Prime Minister, in this case Antonis Samaras, are always respected. Moreover, he defended them vigorously, ignoring the political cost.  Let us not forget that during the critical period of 2012-2014, the then-government, of which I was a member, fought hard and succeeded in keeping Greece on its feet and in the euro area. Regarding the event of the Antonis Samaras Foundation, it sent a clear message that our party is more united than ever before and determined to win a new victory in the upcoming national elections.