Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs Miltiadis Varvitsiotis’ address at the event of the Peta Arta Brotherhood “Agios Georgios”, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Peta and Philhellenism-main points (Athens, 10.12.2022)


“The concept of European solidarity should remain strong. Just as we call for it when we defend our own sovereignty against Turkish imposition, so we should share the anguish of other peoples who are subjected to atrocities and violations of their national sovereignty”. This was the message sent by Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, on Saturday evening during an event commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Peta and Philhellenism, organized by the Peta Arta Brotherhood “Agios Georgios” and the Municipality of Kallithea.
In particular, taking as a starting point the Greek Revolution, Mr. Varvitsiotis pointed out that today another war for national independence is being fought a few hundred kilometres away from the northern borders of Greece, and another people, the Ukrainian people, are fighting for their independence against an unjust and unprovoked invasion. He also made special reference to the Diaspora Greeks who lost their lives in Mariupol, “a cradle of Hellenism in the Sea of Azov that was razed to the ground”.
Furthermore, the Alternate Minister described the Battle of Peta, which this year marks its 200th anniversary, as a European battle that was unique in Greek history due to the number of Philhellenes who participated. “They were people who were inspired by the Greek revolution, who wanted to see Greece free from the Ottoman yoke, and who believed that Greece was an integral part of the single entity called Europe and that it was worth sacrificing for these values of freedom, democracy, Christianity, justice and the Rule of Law, which have their roots in Greek and Roman civilization,” he said. Mr. Varvitsiotis also stated that the Greek Revolution changed the course of history because it was the first National Revolution and added that we must remember and be grateful to all the Philhellenes from all nations who fought for our independence.
The Ambassador of Poland to Greece A. Lombart, as well as representatives from the Embassy of Hungary and the Municipality of Kallithea, attended the event, as did the President of the Peta Brotherhood G. Kakariaris, and Professor K. Veletzas, President of the Society for Hellenism & Philhellenism and Founder of the Museum of Philhellenism.