Allons à Bobo Music Festival: “After five days of festivities, we are very satisfied”, (Promoter)


After five days of festivities, the second edition of the Allons à Bobo Music Festival (FEMABO) has closed its doors. The promoter Siaka Coulibaly said Chako Lombardy takes stock of the event at the microphone of the AIB.

Burkina Information Agency (AIB): After five days of the festival, what is your assessment?

Siaka Coulibaly says Chako Lombardy:

After five days of festivities, we are very satisfied. We had a colorful ceremony, which highlighted the cultural diversity of our country and the joking relationship through the parade of the Peul, Bobo and Dioula ethnic groups. About twenty artists came to offer great performances at this festival.

AIB: What are the difficulties encountered?

Siaka Coulibaly says Chako Lombardy:

Difficulties abound. It is above all the mobilization side. It’s true that the public responded favorably but we expected a lot more than that.

It turns out that there are many activities organized during the same period and this could be justified by the low mobilization.

The mobilization was a bit mixed, especially on the third day when the public did not respond as expected. Apart from that, the other days the public responded present.

AIB: How do you compare this edition with the first?

Siaka Coulibaly says Chako Lombardy:

It is a growing business. We will not say that it is maturity but in any case it has grown compared to last year. We tried to detect the faults of the first edition and to correct them.

AIB: What are the prospects for future editions?

Siaka Coulibaly says Chako Lombardy:

This year, we organized an evening dedicated to the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and two live nights during the event. Next year, we will do the live the last two days.

One of the perspectives, for the next editions, is to take our artists to perform in other countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Ghana or in other regions of Burkina Faso.

AIB: What message do you have for sponsors, guests, artists and the public at the end of your activity?

Siaka Coulibaly says Chako Lombardy:

We only have one word, thank you. We had sponsors who were our shoulder, who supported us, who were our wing with certain partners, who did not hesitate for a moment to put their hand in their pocket to support us. We invite them to always have a look at our place for future editions.

We particularly thank Maître Yacouba Dembélé, Notary, who is a personal friend, a promoter, who, despite his social rank, remained by our side at the press conference and during the five days, every evening to follow the shows.

We thank him for his personal contribution to this festival. We can say that we are on the right track.

When we look at artists who are not known in Bobo-Dioulasso and who have left risky areas to come and bring color to this edition, we are very happy.

We do not forget our mothers, our sisters, our children, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who live in a difficult security situation because of terrorism. These people have left everything to save their lives. To support them, we brought them a donation of food before the opening of FEMABO.

Source: Burkina Information Agency