All Set for KCSE 2024 Common Exams in Central Region.


Central Region: It is all systems go for the over 100,000 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2024 candidates in Central Region who are set to write their common examinations starting tomorrow. Speaking to KNA, Central Regional Director of Education Sabina Aroni said that all the necessary measures had been put in place to ensure that exams are administered without hitches and there is strict adherence to the set exam regulations and procedures.

According to Kenya News Agency, examinations will be collected twice every day in keeping with the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) guidelines. ‘We have a total of 48 distribution centres throughout the region. The containers will be opened at 7 am for the issuance and distribution of the first exam. They will be opened again at noon to return the completed exam papers and collect the second paper,’ said Ms. Aroni.

The region, which comprises Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Murang’a, Nyandarua, and Nyeri counties, has registered a total of 122,421 candidates
for this year’s national examinations. Out of these, 59,456 are male, while 62,965 are female. Kiambu and Murang’a counties have the highest number of candidates registered for this year’s exams in the region, with 39,159 and 31,651 respectively. In Nyeri County, 20,363 candidates will write the 2024 KCSE, while Nyandarua County has a total of 16,809 candidates. Some 14,439 candidates will sit the national examinations in Kirinyaga County.

Additionally, another 1,588 adults in the region will be taking the examinations as private candidates. According to Ms. Aroni, unlike in the previous years where the KNEC allocated an examination centre for each sub-county, this year the council has registered a single centre per county to act as the common examination centre for the private candidates. ‘Previously, we used to have a centre per sub-county, but now KNEC has organised that they (private candidates) sit in only one centre per county. So we have five centres in the region. For the practicals, the candidates w
ill go to the respective schools where they have registered,’ she said.

The 2024 KCSE officially kicked off on October 22, where the candidates have been taking their oral and practical exams for the elective subjects. On Monday, the candidates will write the English Functional Skills paper during the morning hours, while Chemistry Paper 1 will be administered in the afternoon. Mathematics Paper 1 will be tackled on Tuesday morning, and later on in the afternoon, the candidates will write the English comprehension paper.

According to the KNEC 2024 KCSE examination timetable, the last day of the national exams this year will be November 22, when the candidates will sit the physics practical. Ms. Aroni also said that adequate preparations have been made to ensure that examinations continue uninterrupted in the region should the predicted short rains start. ‘We do not anticipate that the weather will hinder the distribution of examinations, but should the rains start, we are prepared to make the necessary adju
stments and ensure the exams are not disrupted,’ she stated.