African Press Agencies Advocate for Information Sovereignty at FAAPA Assembly in Salé

Salé, Morocco – During the 7th General Assembly of the Atlantic Federation of African Press Agencies (FAAPA), held in Salé, Morocco, managers of African press agencies made a unified plea for media that supports the causes of the African continent. This call to action focused on promoting Africa’s potential and safeguarding its image against media interference.

According to Burkina Information Agency, these media professionals emphasized the importance of utilizing information to enhance Africa’s global standing. They also voiced concerns about external media influences that could negatively impact the continent’s image. François Mara, Director General of the Guinean Press Agency (AGP), highlighted the need for African press agencies to collaborate in amplifying Africa’s voice. He stressed that information is a vital element reflecting the national sovereignty of each state and is key in advocating for African development and prosperity. Mara openly rejected foreign media’s attempts to distort African information and urged for support of public media and continuous training for the youth, aiming to achieve informational sovereignty for all African states.

Eyebiyi Kokouvi Adéyêmi, Director General of the Togolese Press Agency (ATOP), pointed out that African unity and prosperity hinge on media independence. He noted the necessity to counter information hegemony and create content free from foreign influence. This approach, he believes, will showcase the continent’s potential.

Xavier Messé, Director of the Cameroonian Information Agency, expressed that a state without control over its information cannot claim sovereignty. He advocated for national information to be analyzed, dissected, and commented upon domestically, enhancing visibility and asserting national interests.

Chegou Abdourahamane, Information Director of the Niger Press Agency (ANP), explained that mastering information is crucial for promoting the identity of African countries and unifying the continent. He emphasized that information sovereignty is essential in combating misinformation that distorts Africa’s image.

The theme of the assembly, ‘African information: a major sovereignty issue’, brought together General Directors of African press agencies, media experts, and distinguished personalities from the African Atlantic region. The two-day event focused on exploring ways to strengthen African sovereignty through information and dynamic initiatives along the Atlantic coast.

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