African Leaders Gather in Addis Ababa to Discuss Financial Independence and Global Representation

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA – At the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union, set to commence this morning in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, African leaders are poised to tackle strategies for achieving financial self-reliance and enhancing the continent’s presence on international platforms.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the summit will focus on exploring avenues for the continent to reduce its dependency on external financial resources by leveraging its own potential to foster development, thereby addressing economic and social challenges within the region. Over the course of two days, discussions will center on breaking the cycle of financial reliance on outside sources through indigenous growth acceleration strategies aimed at mitigating social and economic difficulties across Africa.

A key topic for deliberation will be the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement and its future activities. The summit will call on member states to create a favorable trade environment within their jurisdictions to hasten the agreement’s execution, which is expected to elevate millions of Africans out of poverty and boost the continent’s income.

Furthermore, the leaders will discuss strategies to secure appropriate representation for the African continent on global stages, particularly within the United Nations Security Council. This dialogue underscores the continent’s push for a more significant voice in international affairs.

Another highlight of the summit is the discussion on the Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan of the AU’s Agenda 2063: ‘The Africa We Want.’ Agenda 2063, a fifty-year vision for the socio-economic transformation and integration of the continent, was formulated following broad consultations across African nations. It serves as a blueprint for achieving inclusive growth and sustainable development within Africa.

Peace and security, perennial challenges that impact the continent’s progress, will also be on the agenda at the 37th AU Summit. These issues are crucial for creating a stable environment conducive to achieving the summit’s developmental objectives.

Side events concurrent with the 37th AU Summit are focusing on various development aspects of the continent. Notably, Ethiopia is hosting two major conferences dedicated to examining the impact of artificial intelligence on African growth and addressing food sovereignty issues within the continent.

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