African Diplomatic Group Pledges Support for Burkina Faso on Africa Day

OUAGADOUGOU — On the 61st anniversary of Africa Day, celebrated on May 25, 2024, the African Diplomatic Group reaffirmed its solidarity with Burkina Faso and its readiness to assist the country in addressing its ongoing challenges.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Dean of the African Diplomatic Group and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Burkina Faso, the group expressed its commitment during a reception attended by the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation, Stella Kabré, and numerous diplomats accredited to Burkina Faso.

The African Diplomatic Group utilized the occasion to extend their best wishes for Africa Day to the Burkinabe government and people, emphasizing hopes for peace, prosperity, and well-being. The celebration also served as a platform to discuss educational advancements and the future needs of Africa’s rapidly growing youth population.

Dean Slaoui highlighted significant educational progress across the continent and stressed the need for adapting educational systems to meet future job market demands, particularly in digital skills. He also underscored Africa’s potential economic growth and the importance of solidarity among African nations in tackling various crises, including security and economic challenges.

Minister Delegate Kabré echoed these sentiments, calling for stronger regional integration and governance based on solidarity, justice, and truth, and reaffirmed Burkina Faso’s dedication to collaborating with other African countries to enhance peace, security, and development across the continent.

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