AfDB Officials and Burkinabè in Ivory Coast Raise Funds to Support Peace in Burkina Faso

ABIDJAN – In a significant demonstration of solidarity and support for their homeland’s peace efforts, Burkinabè officials from the African Development Bank (AfDB) along with Burkinabè residents of Dignabo, Ivory Coast, have collectively contributed 7.62 million FCFA towards Burkina Faso’s campaign against terrorism.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the fundraising initiative saw the Association of Burkinabè of the African Development Bank (ABBAD) contributing 7 million FCFA, while the Association of Burkinabè Nationals of Dignabo in Ivory Coast raised an additional 625 thousand FCFA. This financial aid is aimed at bolstering Burkina Faso’s ongoing struggle against terrorism.

Ms. Stéphanie Drabo/Belem, representative of ABBAD, highlighted the significance of this contribution, stating it reflects the patriotism of the Burkinabè officials at the ADB and supports those on the frontlines and elsewhere working towards the restoration of peace and security in Burkina Faso. She further disclosed that ABBAD intends to allocate 1.8 million FCFA towards the education of children and assistance for internally displaced persons in the Center-North region of Burkina Faso.

Daniel Yaméogo, the spokesperson for the Association of Burkinabè Living in Dignabo, emphasized the importance of their contribution to the Patriotic Support Fund, expressing it as a demonstration of their commitment to their nation’s cause.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs for Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, Karamoko Traoré, symbolically accepted the donations. He conveyed the government’s and the Burkinabè people’s gratitude to the members of both associations for their patriotic gesture of solidarity.

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