Afar Region’s Green Legacy Initiative Enhances Livelihood of Pastoral Communities

AFAR – Awol Arba, Chief Administrator of the Afar Region, today highlighted the significant benefits the Green Legacy Initiative has brought to the pastoral communities in the area. The region participated in a nationwide campaign to plant 600 million trees, which began overnight and continued into the morning.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the initiative not only combats desertification and ensures food security but also provides crucial animal feed, contributing to the overall resilience of the pastoral communities. “The fruits of the efforts exerted so far are already evident,” he stated, referencing the edible fruit trees previously planted that are now benefiting the local communities. Arba expressed his commitment to continuing these efforts, emphasizing the pride and legacy the initiative brings to the nation. The massive tree-planting campaign, inspired by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s 2024 call, saw participation from diverse groups across Ethiopia, marking a significant step towards environmental conservation and community enhancement.

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