Adventist Church youth unite in cleanup drive

Huambo – A mega cleaning campaign, under the motto “Zero garbage, thousand health”, marked, this Sunday, at the level of the Southwest Union of Angola, the opening of the days allusive to the World Youth Day of the Adventist Church.

The youth community of the Seventh-day Adventist Church annually celebrates its birthday on March 20.

The cleaning campaign took place simultaneously in all the capital cities of the Southwest Union of Angola of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which includes the provinces of Benguela, Bié, Cuando Cubango, Cuanza Sul, Cunene, Huambo (headquarters), Huíla and Namibe, with the involvement of 700 young people.

In the city of Huambo, the activity was carried out with the support of the local Administration and the Provincial Youth Council, with the aim of contributing to efforts to improve basic sanitation.

Speaking to ANGOP, the secretary of the Youth Ministry of the Southeast Union of Angola of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Téssis Caquarta Ventura, considered the level of involvement of young people in carrying out yet another activity of a social nature to be satisfactory.

He informed that during the days, under the motto “Love and Action”, blood donation campaigns and health fairs are planned in the eight provinces that make up the Southwest Union of Angola.

He added that the program also envisages an activity called Adventista Taxi, which will consist of providing taxis to transport people at zero cost, in addition to visits to penitentiary establishments and distribution of books.

Téssis Caquarta Ventura said that the organization is willing and open to continue collaborating with government authorities in carrying out social activities that may impact the well-being of the population.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has as young citizens aged between five and 100 years old, distributed in clubs of Adventurers (5 to 9), Pathfinders (10 to 15), Ambassadors (16 to 20) and the Young (21 to 100).

Source: Angola Press News Agency

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