Addis Ababa: Ethiopia and South Sudan Police Agree to Prevent Terrorism and Arms Trafficking

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopia Federal Police Commission and the South Sudan National Police Service have agreed to strengthen efforts to prevent terrorism and illegal arms trafficking in border areas based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the agreement was discussed during a meeting with South Sudan’s police delegation led by Inspector General Atem Marol.

Commissioner General Demelash stated that the Ethiopian Federal Police has previously supported the South Sudan National Police Service and will continue to share its successes and experiences from reforms implemented over the years. The two police institutions discussed the implementation of the MoU and agreed to collaborate on preventing terrorism and illegal arms trafficking, particularly in border areas. They established a technical team and planned a meeting for senior police officers from both countries in the Gambela region. Inspector General Marol noted that the Ethiopian Police University provides educational opportunities to young South Sudanese police officers and emphasized the importance of continuing this collaboration. The South Sudan National Police Service delegation also visited the Ethiopian Federal Police’s EFP Citizen Engagement App, launched this week by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

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