Addis Ababa Delegates Conclude Intense Agenda-Setting Discussions for National Dialogue

ADDIS ABABA—Representatives from diverse sectors of Addis Ababa concluded a four-day consultation aimed at organizing city-level agendas for the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC). This assembly is part of Ethiopia’s inaugural national dialogue effort addressing both historical and current national challenges.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the discussions involved 121 delegates representing 11 social groups from across the city, including political parties, government branches, institutions, associations, and opinion leaders. These representatives gathered to deliberate on and structure the agendas collected from their respective groups.

The nationwide consultations, a highly anticipated initiative, kicked off with an inaugural session at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum, where Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed participated as a government representative. During the event, Prime Minister Ahmed emphasized the importance of this historic opportunity for constructive dialogue and urged all stakeholders to engage fully to ensure a successful outcome for all Ethiopians.

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