Addis Ababa: AUC Chairperson Reflects on Progress and Future on 61st Anniversary of OAU

ADDIS ABABA – Africa Day is an opportune moment for reflection, assessing past progress, and contemplating future goals, said African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, this year’s Africa Day, commemorated under the theme “Education Fit for the 21st Century,” underscores the continent’s commitment to creating an education system that meets contemporary demands and ensures every African child can thrive.

In his message marking the 61st anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), now the African Union (AU), Mahamat highlighted Africa’s liberation from colonialism and apartheid, and the significant development of its intellectual, scientific, and cultural resources. He noted Africa’s impressive economic growth and resilience during the global COVID-19 crisis, attributing success to the Africa CDC’s efforts. However, Mahamat also pointed out ongoing challenges such as demographic pressures, social constraints, foreign interference, and governance issues that hinder the transformation of these positive assets into social justice and prosperity.

Mahamat called on Africa’s youth and women to continue mobilizing for peace, security, and democratic values, stressing the need for coherent struggles to address crises, terrorism, environmental degradation, unemployment, migration, and governance issues. He emphasized the importance of reforming the AU to fulfill the vision of its founding fathers as a powerful force for unity, integration, and African dignity. With youth making up over 60 percent of Africa’s population and vast natural resources, Mahamat expressed hope for a prosperous, integrated Africa as envisioned in Agenda 2063.

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