Action Aid Ghana Calls for International Tribunal to Address Human Rights Violations by Transnational Corporations

ACCRA – John Nkaw, the Country Director of Action Aid Ghana, has urged the International Tribunal to resolve legal disputes that violate human rights within transnational corporations. This call was made at the Africa Regional Intersessional Consultation on the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights held in Accra.

According to a new release by the Ghana News Agency, Nkaw emphasized the urgency of the situation, particularly as issues of modern slavery persist in supply chains. He noted the ongoing problems of exploitation and child labor, attributing them to the lack of effective international oversight. Nkaw affirmed that Africa should actively contribute to the shaping of international standards related to business and human rights.

The consultation aimed to strengthen coordination among African States, civil society groups, and affected communities. It provided states with an overall legal understanding of the new treaty, in comparison to the third draft and textual proposals submitted during the ninth negotiation. Nkaw observed that business operations can have varying impacts on human rights. While some are positive, like employment opportunities, others include forcible evictions, labor exploitation, and environmental damage.

Nkaw pointed out that the most vulnerable to these negative impacts are often women, children, indigenous communities, and other marginalized groups. He emphasized the need for a gendered approach to remove specific barriers that women face in seeking justice against corporations.

The United Nations Human Rights Council had earlier, in its 26th session on June 26, 2014, adopted Resolution 26/9, aimed at elaborating an international legally binding instrument concerning human rights and transnational corporations. This marked a significant moment for corporate accountability and human rights protection globally.

Ghana has been proactive in pushing this initiative forward by collaborating with Cameroon, the Africa region representative of the Group of Friends. The meeting was attended by an array of dignitaries, including the Deputy Minister of Justice and Attorney General, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana, and the Vice Minister of External Regions of Cameroon, among others.

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