Acting Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni: Update on security situation prevailing in the country on 19 July


Ladies and Gentlemen, and members of the media

Yesterday the world celebrated Nelson Mandela Day and South Africans heeded the call of His Excellency, President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa to clean-up our country. In true South African spirit, we continue to pull together for the common good. As the cleaning-up of South Africa continues, we would like to extend government’s appreciate for the efforts of communities, civil society, business across all sectors, the non-governmental sector for their continued partnership in protecting and cleaning-up South Africa.

Security Updates

Since our last briefing on Friday, 16th July 2021. The situation in Gauteng has completely stabilised and the clean-up and business continuity efforts were fully for those businesses that were not completely vandalised. President Ramaphosa in his capacity as President of the governing party and other leaders of the governing ANC either joined the clean-up campaigns in instances where the community driven cleaning initiatives were still underway or they observed the damage wrought by the riots and the repair work by property owners.

In KwaZulu-Natal, the situation is stable and no new incidents of looting were reported, however 3 additional deaths have been reported. Ministers and provincial leadership led by the Premier continued with stakeholder and community engagements to calm the tensions in the communities. Therefore, the total recorded deaths to date as a result of the violence is 215.


6 key arrests have been made to date, of these arrests 3 suspects are reminded in police custody for bail hearings later in the week and other court appearances are expected soon. One has been given bail in Gauteng. The details on these cases will be provided later but charges against them include incitement to commit public violence. Further arrests are expected soon.

Re-Opening of Economic Activity

As reported on Friday, the N2 and N3 routes reopened for traffic and to date no incidents have been reported since the reopening. The law enforcement agencies including the military continue to patrol the routes, conduct roadblocks and man the identified potential hotspots areas as agreed with major road users.

In terms of rail network, the mainline and Kroonstad lines are operational including the North and South Coast lines that service between Durban and Richards Bay and agreed on one line shutdown for routine maintenance. Both the ports of Durban and Richards Bay are operational, the export coldchains are resuming with citrus commenced.

Food Shortages in KZN

There were previous reports of food shortages in KZN. We can confirm that stores have been replenished with improved   food supplies from Gauteng and the ports. It is areas that shopping centres have been completely vandalised that people may have to travel to adjacent towns to purchase their supplies.

Economic Activity Restoration Measures

As indicated, the Ministers of the Economic Cluster are working with business to ensure a speedy return to full economic activity. The cluster is considering interventions that will ensure even affected small businesses are able to return their businesses to operations.

Assistance to those who have lost livelihoods

The TERS is immediately available for employees affected who were members of the UIF.

We are in the process of providing immediate food relief to households targeting areas affected by the looting and where people have no access to food.

Provincial Departments of Social Development will be speeding up the Social Relief of Distress programme to provide support in the form of food parcels, cash and food vouchers. We are working hard to bring all SASSA offices into operation.

Cash pay points are expected to resume services from the 19th of July in all the areas that have been declared safe to operate.


We are. calling upon the communities to assist the law enforcement agencies by NOT buying stolen property.

Together we will defend our democracy. Together we will beat those who try to divide us.


Source: Government of South Africa




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