A musical group preaches social cohesion and good citizenship in Zorgho through a concert


The Musical Group for Artistic Training and Awareness (GMFAS) in partnership with the Center for Public Reading and Cultural Animation (CELPAC) of Zorgho gave a concert on Friday April 14, 2023 in Zorgho. Objective, to raise public awareness of civic-mindedness and social cohesion.

Music to touch hearts and call for civic-mindedness and social cohesion. This is what the GMFAS had as an idea by organizing at the CELPAC of Zorgho, on the evening of Friday April 14, a musical concert. Through this activity, the GMFAS intends to contribute to the return of peace in the country.

Thus, through several pieces performed live and slam, the Zorghol public was amazed by the talent of this group of young musicians.

For the president of the GMFAS, Rodrigue Koudougou, young people are a key element of the present and the future of human development. According to him, the GMFAS implements programs that aim to forge responsible adults of tomorrow.

“We are convinced that giving young people artistic training and more particularly musical training means allowing them, at a decisive moment in their lives, to acquire the feeling of sharing a common cultural identity. It also means making them aware of the diversity of cultures by offering them a vision open to the world. Finally, it is to allow them to acquire the basics of tolerance, which is necessary today more than ever,” he said.

He thanked all those who supported them for holding this activity. For a first edition, it was not easy, he admitted. But he hopes that people of goodwill will come to their aid for the next editions.

For the main animator of the CELPAC of Zorgho, Cébastien Kaboré, the theme of good citizenship and social cohesion is topical. He congratulated the young people who, despite the difficulties, held this activity. He said his availability to accompany this kind of cultural activities in the center.

For the acting principal of the provincial high school of Zorgho, Sandaogo Raphaël Bagamzanré, it is a pleasure to see that young people take initiatives to preach peace in their community. He appreciated the messages conveyed through the songs and the slams. He called on all participants to take ownership of the message and put it into practice in families and workplaces for positive change.

The GMFAS is a group of young musicians from Zorgho. It was created to accompany and train anyone wishing to learn the handling of musical instruments such as drums, guitar, piano and vocal technique. He now intends to bring his touch to the cultural animation of Zorgho.

Source: Burkina Information Agency