NG-CDF Boosts Education Infrastructure in Kirinyaga Central Constituency

KIRINYAGA — The National Government-Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) has been applauded for its significant contribution to enhancing the quality of education in Kirinyaga Central Constituency. This fund, established by law for socio-economic development at the constituency level, has been instrumental in reducing poverty and promoting regional equity through targeted educational support. a tour of various schools in Kirinyaga Central Constituency highlighted substantial infrastructural developments, thanks to the NG-CDF. These improvements aim to create a conducive learning environment, thereby enhancing student performance. For instance, Karaini Primary School has undergone extensive renovations and the addition of five new classrooms, supported by the NG-CDF. This initiative was in response to the rising student population and the government’s policy on 100 percent transition of pupils to junior secondary schools.

According to Kenya News Agency, these upgrades have transformed the school significantly. The renovations included tiling classrooms, replacing iron sheets, painting walls, fixing broken window panes, and installing cabros on footpaths. Irungu noted that the improved infrastructure has led to increased study time for pupils, improved school hygiene, and a boost in academic performance. The school has also seen an uptick in new student admissions due to the improved learning environment.

At Kaitheri Primary School, located on the outskirts of Kerugoya Town and home to 1,046 students, construction of three new classrooms is underway, with renovations to existing ones also in progress. Head teacher Rose Wangari pointed out that the main challenge had been congestion, which the NG-CDF project aims to alleviate. She commended the government’s swift textbook distribution and urged the NG-CDF management to allocate funds for building a library and laboratory.

Parents and community members have also noticed the positive impact of these renovations. Catherine, a parent at Kaitheri Primary, remarked that the improvements have reduced the cleaning workload and ensured that pupils return home as clean as when they left for school.

The Kirinyaga Central NG-CDF management stated that these school projects are community-driven, with funding provided through the NG-CDF following local consensus. The plan is to extend these improvements to all 35 primary schools and 36 secondary schools in the constituency. Under the guidance of area MP Joseph Gachoki Gitari, the management is focusing on completing ongoing projects before starting new ones, in compliance with a recent Presidential directive.

Nahasion Kinyua, a representative of the area MP, revealed that the facelift program, which began with two schools in dire need, would be extended to more institutions. He assured that within a year, all schools in the constituency, including Kirinyaga Central Training and Vocational College, would be renovated.

Statistics indicate that almost 80 percent of the NG-CDF allocation supports education through infrastructure development, CDF bursaries, and indirect funding benefiting schools and neighboring communities, such as the development of boreholes.