705 Candidates Begin Primary Education Exams in Loroum

TITAO — On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, a total of 705 candidates, comprising 426 girls and 281 boys, embarked on their primary studies certificate (CEP) and 6th grade entrance exams in the districts of Titao I, Titao II, and Ouindigui, within the province of Loroum. These exams mark a critical juncture for young students seeking to advance their education.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the exams are being conducted under heightened security due to the challenging conditions in the region, necessitating some exams to be held in alternative locations such as Ouahigouya. The organization involves 5 examination centers and 15 classrooms across the region to accommodate all the candidates. To ensure the process runs smoothly, 40 supervisors, 38 correctors, and 15 secretaries have been mobilized.

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