49 Escape Unhurt After Bus Bursts Into Flames

Some 49 people narrowly escaped death after the bus they were travelling in developed a mechanical problem and was reduced to ashes at the Nairegie Enkare junction along the Narok-Maai Mahiu highway. Narok County Police Commander John Kizito said the incident occurred at 3 a.m. onWednesday, when the bus belonging to ENA Coach Company, bound for Migori County from Nairobi, burst its left front tyre. ‘The bus was climbing the steep slopes of the road when it experienced a front tyre bust. However, as the driver attempted to slightly drive off the road to a safer place, it caught fire and was completely reduced to ashes,’ he explained. Nevertheless, he said, no one was injured during the mayhem as the passengers escaped with their personal belongings from the vehicle. The driver of the ill-fated vehicle, Richard Momanyi, 53, said efforts to seek the services of the Narok County Fire Brigade were futile. Following the incident, the county police boss has called on motorists to ensure their vehicles are properly inspected before they start any journey to avoid such scenarios. ‘Matatu companies and drivers should ensure all the motorists they use for public service are well inspected to reduce accidents,’ he said. The wreckage was towed to Ntulele Police Station for inspection while the passengers were moved to another vehicle.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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