2nd edition of the Bogandé agro-sylvo-pastoral fair under the sign of resilience

Bogandé, (AIB), the provincial coordination of the Gnagna Chamber of Agriculture organized, from March 2 to 5, 2023, in Bogandé, the second edition of the agro-sylvo-pastoral, fisheries and wildlife fair. An edition placed under the sign of the resilience of the actors.

The second edition of the Bogandé agro-sylvo-pastoral, fisheries and wildlife fair kept all its promises.

Organized, from March 2 to 5, 2023, by the provincial coordination of the Chamber of Agriculture of Gnagna under the theme: “Promotion of the peanut sector in the province of Gnagna, inventory, opportunities, challenges and prospects”, the event offered business opportunities to producers from the province and other localities.

Many visitors and buyers were able to contemplate the know-how of the producers. It was a real forum for discussion and sharing of experiences between actors, over three days.

While some players rubbed their hands during this 2 nd edition of the fair, others were not successful. But, the latter were delighted with their participation.

This is the case of Djingri Toguiyeni, a breeder. “Even if I haven’t sold my products, I can say that I am satisfied with my participation. Because, I learned a lot from others in fattening technique and it will be useful to me, ”he hinted.

In addition, thanks to this fair, the participants were treated to a public conference on the central theme of the event. According to speaker Abdou Santi, the groundnut sector is the main source of income for the population of the province.

“According to statistics from the technical services, about 80,000 hectares of land are sown each season with an average production of 39,000 tons of peanuts. This makes Gnagna the first peanut-producing province in Burkina Faso,” he said.

More than 20 award-winning exhibitors

Abdou Santi added that yields must necessarily be improved if the province wants to remain the national leader in groundnut production. Mr. Santi is convinced that this challenge is within reach of the province which has cultivable land and which benefits from the support of projects and programs in the groundnut sector.

To meet this challenge, he urged producers to always retain the services of agricultural technicians, scrupulously follow their advice and opt for the use of new high-yielding varieties.

On the occasion of this meeting of the farming world, the best producers and processors were awarded prizes. Indeed, more than 20 exhibitors in different sectors left with cash prizes and equipment consisting of carts, wheelbarrows and certificates of participation.

Breeder Djingri Toguiyeni was named best producer in the sheep fattening sector with a ram weighing 110 kilograms. In addition to producers and processors, technical services, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), development projects and associations received certificates of recognition.

For the president of the provincial coordination of the Chamber of Agriculture of Gnagna, Djingri Célestine Lankoandé, it is appropriate to give the chance to the actors of the peasant world to promote their products and to share their know-how with their peers.

“Despite the scarcity of resources and partners due to the security context, we were able to hold this edition,” she rejoiced.

The sponsors’ representative, Oumarou Koudougou, made a commitment, on behalf of his peers, to “actively” support producers and processors. The provincial director in charge of animal resources of Gnagna, Arsène Ouoba, who represented the high commissioner of the province, congratulated and encouraged the producers and processors for their resilience.

He praised the know-how of the actors before exhorting them to always cultivate excellence in transformation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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