Ethiopian Expatriates in Qatar and Djibouti Commemorate 128th Adwa Victory Day

DOHA, Qatar — Ethiopian communities in Qatar and Djibouti have celebrated the 128th anniversary of the Adwa Victory Day with various events, as reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The celebrations featured sports competitions, music shows, and panel discussions, all aimed at honoring Ethiopia’s historical defeat of Italian forces in 1896, a victory that has become a symbol of African resistance against colonialism.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, Birtukan Ayano, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs, addressed attendees during the celebration in Doha. She highlighted the significance of the Adwa Victory as a source of unity and inspiration for Ethiopians and all Africans in their fight against colonialism. Ayano emphasized that commemorating this victory abroad serves to promote Ethiopia’s proud history and positive image internationally. She also reiterated the Ethiopian government’s dedication to safeguarding the rights and dignity of Ethiopians living overseas, aligning with its citizen-centered foreign policy.

In Djibouti, the commemoration was marked by the participation of community members and distinguished government officials. Kebede Abera, the Deputy Head of Mission, stressed the importance of the Adwa Victory in fostering unity among Ethiopians. A panel discussion was organized to explore ways Ethiopia can continue to protect its sovereignty and dignity while upholding the legacy of the Adwa Victory.

These celebrations underscore the enduring impact of the Adwa Victory in promoting Ethiopian unity and sovereignty, as well as the commitment of the Ethiopian diaspora to preserving their heritage and contributing to the nation’s image and interests abroad.

Chaplains Advocate for Collaborative Efforts to Address Moral Decay in Society

MOMBASA — The National Association of Christian Chaplains (NACC) has issued a call for a unified approach between religious bodies and governmental agencies to foster moral values within the community. This appeal came during the 14th Annual National Chaplaincy Conference held in Mombasa, which focused on the critical role spirituality plays in nurturing a healthy societal fabric.

According to Kenya News Agency, the Secretary of NACC, the association acknowledges the detrimental effects that issues such as greed, corruption, violence, and a widespread decline in personal and societal ethics have on societal development. He emphasized the importance of integrating moral education within the school curriculum through partnerships between churches, the government, and educational institutions to instill ethical values.

The conference, themed ‘The role of spirituality in building a healthy society’, saw the participation of chaplains primarily engaged within the educational sector. Rev. Gatu highlighted the essential role chaplains occupy in promoting values among students, expressing concern over the increasing trends of moral degeneration, including alcoholism, drug use, and substance abuse within schools.

Rev. Gatu also called on lawmakers to enact regulations that support societal norms and combat the sexualization seen in advertisements and online sexual exploitation. He advocated for increased funding towards psychosocial support initiatives, noting a rise in mental health issues within the community and schools. The NACC secretary stressed the necessity of bolstering chaplaincy and counseling services within educational institutions to provide adequate psychosocial and spiritual support.

Furthermore, the chaplains expressed their approval of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) for its focus on value inculcation and development of critical thinking skills among learners. Rev. Gatu praised the CBC for its potential to enhance the education sector by unlocking the talents of young individuals and stressed the beneficial impact of including chaplaincy programs to promote collaboration, self-efficacy, and problem-solving capabilities among students.

The NACC also lauded the Ministry of Education for drafting policy guidelines aimed at institutionalizing chaplaincy in basic learning institutions, urging a swift finalization of these guidelines to formalize the role of chaplaincy in supporting ethical education and spiritual growth.

Sri Lankan Ambassador Highlights Importance of Adwa Victory for Future Generations

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Ambassador Theshantha Kumarasiri of Sri Lanka emphasized the significance of the Victory of Adwa as a pivotal moment in Ethiopian history that must be shared with future generations. In an exclusive interview with ENA, the Sri Lankan envoy to Ethiopia articulated his view that the historical event not only represents a proud chapter from the past but also serves as a catalyst for positive energy towards the nation’s economic development.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the Victory of Adwa transcends its historical context, offering lessons in resilience and unity that can propel Ethiopia towards further economic progress. He remarked on the absence of animosity between Ethiopia and Italy today, highlighting the ongoing collaboration with Italy, the European Union, and the broader international community as evidence of how past conflicts have transformed into productive relationships.

The ambassador’s insights reflect a broader perspective on the importance of leveraging historical victories like Adwa to foster unity and cooperation not only within Ethiopia but across Africa. Despite the continent’s diversity and the challenges of overcoming divisions, Kumarasiri advocated for the spirit of Adwa to inspire collaborative efforts towards common goals.

The annual commemoration of the Adwa Victory, which marks Ethiopia’s defeat of Italian forces in 1896 under Emperor Menelik II, was celebrated across the nation with a sense of pride and reflection. The recent inauguration of the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum further cements the legacy of this event, honoring the bravery of Ethiopians in their struggle against colonial ambitions and serving as a beacon of pride, unity, and resilience for both Ethiopia and Africa.

Ambassador Kumarasiri’s message underscores the enduring relevance of the Adwa Victory, advocating for its commemoration as a source of inspiration for economic development, international engagement, and the unity of future generations.

Kisumu to Host Landmark 24th World Talent Conference in 2025

KISUMU, Kenya — Kisumu County has been selected to host the 24th World Talent Conference in August 2025, a historic first for Africa, announced by Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o following a visit from the World Talent Federation delegation. This biannual event, renowned for its global appeal, is anticipated to draw over 15,000 delegates from various disciplines including athletics, football, film, music, and the arts.

According to Kenya News Agency, the conference represents a significant opportunity for Kisumu and the broader African continent to showcase their talents and hospitality on the world stage. He highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts among counties within the Lake Region Economic Bloc, such as Kakamega, Vihiga, and Siaya, to ensure the successful accommodation and hosting of the international delegates.

The governor revealed that high-profile attendees, including a celebrated U.K. Premier League footballer and top U.S. pop musicians, have already expressed their interest in the conference, signaling the high level of anticipation and excitement it has generated. Furthermore, the event will feature presentations by researchers on innovative designs at talent clinics approved by the World Talent Federation, including technology that can predict children’s future careers from an early age.

Governor Nyong’o also expressed gratitude for the World Talent Federation’s donation of 29 biometric kits valued at Sh38 million, which are being deployed across six Kenyan counties, including Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, Eldoret, and Meru. This gesture underscores the federation’s commitment to nurturing talent across the country.

In preparation for the conference, the governor emphasized the importance of promoting Kisumu City as a prime tourist destination, aiming to attract visitors to be part of this monumental event. The Kisumu Residents Association, through Secretary General Humphrey Obora, echoed the governor’s sentiments by highlighting the county’s unique tourist attractions and the potential benefits of hosting such a prestigious event.

Dr. Peter Smith, Vice President of the World Talent Federation, commented on the conference’s potential to foster global collaboration and peace, marking it as a transformative event for the local industry and humanity at large. The selection of Kisumu as the conference venue marks a significant milestone in the city’s and Africa’s engagement with the global talent community.

Adwa Victory Anniversary Celebrated as Symbol of Ethiopian Unity and Sovereignty

ADDIS ABABA — In a statement marking the 128th anniversary of the Victory of Adwa, Addis Ababa City Mayor Adanech Abiebie highlighted the event as a pivotal moment in Ethiopian history, showcasing the unity and determination of Ethiopians to defend their nation’s sovereignty. The mayor emphasized the importance of this historic event in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the Victory of Adwa stands as a testament to the resilience, unity, and heroism of the Ethiopian people. The celebration this year took place at the Adwa Victory Memorial, a monument that captures the essence of Ethiopia’s triumph over colonial aggression. The mayor stressed that the victory is a reminder of the time when Ethiopians, regardless of their differences, came together to protect their homeland’s sovereignty.

The mayor further elaborated that the Victory of Adwa is a landmark etched in history, symbolizing unity, respect, heroism, and resilience. It is a victory that belongs to all Ethiopians, a shared heritage celebrated collectively. Mayor Adanech also pointed out that the commemoration of this victory reminds current and future generations of the promise it holds for the nation.

Highlighting the values of freedom and sovereignty that were defended through the Victory of Adwa, Mayor Adanech called upon all Ethiopians to continue working towards a united, strong, and prosperous Ethiopia. The anniversary serves as a reminder of the ancestors’ sacrifices, united by a common goal and belief in the sanctity of their land and the dignity of their people.