Seychelles’ President congratulates Chinese President Xi Jinping on his re-election

Seychelles’ President Wavel Ramkalawan has congratulated Xi Jinping on his re-election as President of China, State House said on Friday.

Xi Jinping, 69, was re-elected for a third term as president of China on Friday during a parliamentary session.

In his congratulatory message, Ramkalawan described his Chinese counterpart’s achievement as a testament to his leadership and dedication to the well-being and prosperity of the Chinese people.

“Under your leadership, China has made impressive strides in economic and social development, technology, and international cooperation. Your vision and strategic guidance have ensured that China continues to play a pre-eminent role in re-shaping the global architecture based on multilateralism, peace, international cooperation and solidarity,” he added.

Ramkalawan added further that “we are particularly impressed by the deepening of our bilateral relations in recent years. The agreements that we have signed, the infrastructure projects that we have undertaken, and the people-to-people exchanges that we have fostered have strengthened the friendship between our two nations. I look forward to continuing to work with your government in further enhancing our relations and exploring new opportunities for cooperation.”

Seychelles’ head of state took the opportunity to reaffirm Seychelles’ firm support for the One China Policy and the peaceful reunification of Taiwan with the motherland.

“As a small island nation, Seychelles has always been a strong advocate for peaceful resolution of disputes and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. We fully support the efforts of the Chinese Government to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said.

Ramkalawan concluded by saying, “I am confident that under your leadership, China will continue to achieve great success and accomplish the goals you have set while contributing to the well-being of people across the globe. The One Belt Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) demonstrate China’s determination to assist other countries in improving infrastructure development as well as facilitating and encouraging world trade.”

Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, established diplomatic relations with China on June 30, 1976, four days after the island nation gained its independence from Great Britain.

Source: Seychelles News Agency

Burkina: Dozens of terrorists neutralized in Tougouri and N’Dorola

Ouagadougou, The Burkinabè army neutralized several dozen terrorists and destroyed equipment on Friday, after the attacks on two gendarmerie brigades in Tougouri (Namentenga) and N’Dorola (Kénédougou).

Yesterday Friday, terrorists attacked the gendarmerie brigade of Tougouri in the province of Namentenga (Centre-Nord).

But their retreat was short-lived, since the attackers were caught and neutralized in the Dibga area.

Indeed, several dozen terrorists and at least one pickup vehicle were destroyed in strikes.

The same scene also occurred yesterday Friday in Kénédougou where the N’Dorola gendarmerie brigade was attacked. We mourn the loss of two gendarmes.

However, the aerial pursuit made it possible to catch up and neutralize several dozen terrorists.

According to our sources, operations are continuing and the exact balance will be established after the fact.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Passoré: The players in the inter-service tournament are preparing for the 7th edition

Yako, The Provincial Directorate of Sports and Recreation of Passoré in collaboration with the High Commission of the province, held a preparatory meeting on Friday for the 7th edition of the Passoré inter-service tournament.

The Passoré inter-service tournament will soon begin the competitions marking the 7th edition of the sporting event which involves the various sectors of activity and services of the locality around the round ball.

The meeting which was initiated for this purpose, aims to better succeed the activity of which the High Commissioner of the province of Passoré, Laurent Koutougou Kontogom is the honorary president.

It was the Provincial Director of Sports and Recreation of Passoré, Dénis Nikiéma who co-hosted the said meeting with the prefect of the department of Bagaré, Bachirou Kaboré, representing the High Commissioner of Passoré.

Those summoned to this meeting, which is intended to be preparatory, were the directors and heads of departments of the province.

A total of four points were on the menu of exchanges.

It was a question of renewing the members of the organizing committee, of proposing a date for the draw and a calendar of the various meetings.

From six members, the restricted organizing committee now has 7 members plus deputies.

Mr. Nikiema remains the chairman of the said committee.

But the posts of secretary general and treasurer remain until then cumulatively occupied by Abdoulaye Sanogo of the provincial directorate of sports and dormice.

From the second point relating to the draw, it is the date Friday, March 17th that has been chosen.

As for the schedule proposed for the meetings, it appears that 12 teams will be involved in the various competitions, unlike the last edition which had only entered 9.

It has been decided that people who can take part in the competitions must be at least 25 years old.

In terms of innovation, the particularity of this edition is the participation of volunteers for the defense of the party (VDP), in addition to the establishment of a commission responsible for security with regard to the security context in the locality.

The co-hosts of the meeting were delighted with the quality of the exchanges between the participants.

Both have moreover invited the various services to become more involved in the activity which, according to them, is intended to be a forum for the promotion of social cohesion and living together between the various sectors of activity in the province.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

800,000 Kenyans Struggling To Repay Hustler Fund Loan

The Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Co-Operatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development Simon Chelugui has revealed that out of the 15million Kenyans that have borrowed hustler fund loan, 800, 000 are struggling to repay.

The CS however said that the Government is proud of the strides the initiative has made and that the credit facility has made it possible to have Sh 22 billion in circulation countrywide.

“The fact that we are moving from fixed security to credit score is an indicator of the success of this initiative. The fact that there is Sh 22 billion in circulation is an indicator of the success of this initiative,” stated the CS.

He said that the Government is targeting to shift the approach to credit in Kenya from security based to credit score based.

Chelugui added that the Government is showcasing its collaboration with private sector to deliver the hustler fund which is a government initiative.

“We don’t have a mobile network of our own, we don’t have our own banks, we work with private banks, we work with mobile networks but the source of the money, the initiative, the planning, the budgeting is all done by the Government. Our role as the Government is to oversee,” said the CS.

Chelugui noted that 18 million Kenyans have so far enrolled with the hustler fund and that three million have not yet borrowed any money from the hustler fund.

The CS who spoke when he toured Embu to inspect the ongoing renovation of Moi stadium that will host Madaraka Day on June 1 said that the Government will be running Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) business exhibition events for a whole week in various parts in Embu before the Madaraka day celebrations.

“We will have a whole week of SMEs celebrations and exhibitions which will be climaxed with Madaraka Day Celebrations on June 1,” he stated.

He said that the Government exhibition events are meant to promote SMEs because this year’s Madaraka Day celebrations is themed on Small, Medium, Enterprises and Co-Operatives.

He added that his Ministry will give SMEs in Kenya the priority and the seriousness the sector deserves saying Kenya rides on SMEs.

He lauded President Dr. William Ruto and the organizers of this year’s Madaraka Day Celebrations for recognizing the role that SMEs play in Kenya saying 98 per cent of businesses in Kenya are SMEs.

He added that 15 million out of 18 million Kenyans are working under SMEs which is the informal sector adding the biggest challenge that the Government was facing is to transition workers in this sector to formal employment.

Embu County Deputy Governor Kinywa Mugo who was present during the function called on traders in Embu to seize the opportunity of the county hosting Madaraka Day celebrations so that they can reap from the event.

Source: Kenya News Agency

No more factions: Geingob

Swapo Party President, Hage Geingob, has said now that party members have elected their vice president, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, during the 2022 elective congress, there should no longer be any factions within the party henceforth.

Opening the Swapo Party Central Committee meeting here on Saturday, Geingob said party members have the right to oppose, disagree and condemn a person, however, there are processes, systems and institutions that led to the selected candidate for the Swapo Party Vice President position.

“I always say, don’t play the person, play the ball. When that is over, it is over. So I hope we don’t go and have factions of ‘this group or that group’ from now on. It is over. We have a candidate [and] when time comes, we will properly campaign for her, so that she is elected on behalf of Swapo,” he said.

Geingob also called on party members to unite and support the elected candidate, saying Swapo has only one candidate, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah for the party’s general election.

“Let’s stop the rumours, dreams, fears and so on. This is not a thing of Individuals. It’s for our party and for our country. We have a person who will lead us, and be supported by all of us,” said Geingob.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency