PS Urges The Northern Region To Embrace Irrigation Farming

Livestock farmers in North Eastern region have been urged to embrace farming as an alternative source of livelihood as the region continues to grapple with prolonged drought which continues to ravage the livelihoods of the people.

Over the past few years, the drought situation in the region has continued to worsen leaving millions of livestock dead and the people facing hunger and no source of income.

Speaking after visiting several irrigation farms and commissioning boreholes in Habaswein, Wajir County, Water and Irrigation Principal Secretary Kiprono Rono said that the region is well placed to produce large quantities of organic foods since the land is fertile, having not been farmed before.

Rono said that the government is working around the clock to find a permanent source of water in the region through construction of mega dams and drilling of high yielding boreholes to facilitate irrigation farming.

“This is a place where we just need water because the soil is fertile and the farmers do not even need fertilizers. With assistance, the farmers can get enough food for consumption and export,” Rono said.

“As a national government through the ministry of water and irrigation, we will do everything to support this region and other regions in the country which have enough land and only need water to be able to produce food crops,” he added.

The PS further noted that with the current change of climate leading to low and unpredictable rain patterns, it was time to shift from rain fed agriculture to irrigation farming.

“The government’s plan to introduce irrigation and build more dams is in the right direction. If we can make sure that the mega dams are constructed and we also drill more boreholes in high yield places, we will be able to support communities to grow their crops and tackle food insecurity in the country,” he said.

Wajir West constituency MP Yusuf Farah said that it was impressive for farmers to have come up with the little resources they had, and start irrigation farming in the area.

“Agriculture is the way to go here. We have a fertile land, and we will have water so we need to start changing our mentality and work together for a food secure future,” Farah said.

“I want to ask everyone in Wajir County and the ASAL regions to change our perceptions and embrace agriculture so that we can feed ourselves,” he added.

The PS was also joined by the chairperson of the Northern Water Works Development Agency (NWWDA) Nasri Ibrahim, NWWDA CEO Andrew Rage, Water Resources Authority chairperson Mohamed Shuriye and officials from the World Bank.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Eldoret City Marathon Athletes Sensitized On Investment

Eldoret city marathon 4th edition champions, who finished in the top 20 in both the women’s and men’s 42.195KM races were feted in a colourful ceremony graced by Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii and Athletics Kenya officials.

Victor Kipchirchir and Emily Chebet clinched the men’s and women’s titles in times of 2:13:10 and 2:29:58 respectively and both were awarded cash prizes of Sh 3.5million each.

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii, speaking at the ceremony said the Eldoret City Marathon has emerged as a take off point for local talents to flourish, where upcoming athletes are developed and sent to conquer the world.

He said as a way to identify and grow talents, the county government was undertaking grassroot sporting activities to give opportunities for the youths to show and exhibit their talents.

“We are currently advocating for commercialization of sports so that our youth can profit from their talents under the slogan Talanta na Hela,” the county boss noted.

Bii advised the athletes to embrace saving culture. “Sportsmen and women need to consider investing as a priority in their careers since, like any other employment, sports has a retirement period,” Bii said.

“Our administration is working to find ways to partner with stakeholders to sensitize sports men and women on the need to secure their social security for retirement,” he said.

He added that the Eldoret City marathon was fundamentally formed to promote sports and push the campaign on climate action by planting as many trees as possible as this provides a good condition and cleanses the air that “our bodies need for quality health.”

“Since the race started in 2018, under the program over 4 million trees have been planted across the country,” he said.

The chief officer for youth and sports, Nahum Jelagat added that her department will work to implement the governor’s youth and talent empowerment agenda to develop youth economic advancement.

Race organisers confirmed that the fifth edition of the Eldoret City Marathon will be staged on April 10 next year.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Bin Qadara stresses the need for American companies to return to work in Libya.

Washington, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Oil Corporation, Farhat Bin Qadara, stressed the need for American companies to return to work again in the oil and gas sector in Libya.

This came during Bin Qadara’s meeting with US Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk on the sidelines of the International Energy Conference “CERAWEEk” held in Houston, USA, according to the National Oil Corporation through its Facebook account.

For his part, the US Deputy Secretary of Energy praised the rise in oil production and its stability under the new administration of the National Oil Corporation.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Richard Norland: Fair representation of Libyan women and minorities in the country’s political arena is important.

Tripoli, The United States envoy to Libya, “Richard Norland,” praised the efforts of a member of the High National Elections Commission in Libya, “Rabab Muhammad Halab.”

Norland said in a tweet published by the embassy on its Twitter account, “The dedication of the member of the High National Elections Commission, Rabab Muhammad Halab, to promoting fair representation of Libyan women and minorities in the country’s political field is inspiring.”

The US envoy added that all Libyans deserve the opportunity to have their voices heard and represented.

The US envoy had reviewed with Al-Sayeh the latest developments in the course of the electoral process, and they also discussed ways to support national proposals and endeavors that seek peace and stability, and aimed at achieving consensus among political parties in order to achieve the expected benefits.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Machakos Rugby Tournament To Create 300 Jobs For The Youth

Machakos Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi has assured Machakos Residents that the upcoming Rugby tournament in April 2023 will create 300 jobs for the youth.

Mwangangi was speaking at the Governor’s office after unveiling the Grand trophy in Honor of the late Rugby legend Bernard Ayimba under the Kenya Rugby league Federation which will be held at Machakos stadium from 7th -9th April 2023.

“This tournament will be on for three days and will create employment for over 300 youths from Machakos where people will be employed to do different tasks,” said Mwangangi.

The Deputy Governor added that there will be employment before, during and after the tournament.

He noted that as a County they are comparing their standards to internationally approved requirements in terms of Tourism, Social amenities and sports facilities in the County.

Mwangangi further noted that as a county they have been very consistent in welcoming every development partner so that they can team up, learn and develop Machakos County.“We seize the opportunity and ensure we gain as much as we can and also cooperate with you to see the success of the tournament,” Mwangangi assured the Rugby Federation.

On his part, the chairperson of the Kenya Rugby League Federation (KRLF), Quicks Nyakwaka stated that the launch was in honor of the fallen hero Benjamin Ayimba, who gained world class status in World cup competitions.

Nyakwaka praised Ayimba saying he was a hero of international standing in rugby who took Kenya to the world and they will continue honoring him as a rugby family.

The Rugby Chairman said they are developing one of the most expensive trophies in Kenyan History which will be contested at the tournament.

Nyakwaka pointed out that after the finals, they plan to create a special gallery at the Governor’s office where the Trophy will be on display in a bullet proof screen.

“We have talked to the County and we have agreed that the trophy will be kept here in a bullet proof screen which will be referred to as Benjamin Ayimba Museum of Masaku”, said Nyakwaka.

He urged Kenyans to secure their tickets early enough for the coming rugby tournament before they are over. Nyakwaka said the tickets will cost Sh1000 for the three days event and Sh 2500 for the corporate business category.

Nyakwaka also noted that security will very tight during the event.

The Rugby League which was introduced in Kenya in 2013 is different from the Rugby Union in terms of the number of players and awarding of points.

Last year was a Historic year for the Kenya Rugby League players since they made their maiden appearance at an international competition; at the Middle East Africa (MEA) a Championship that was staged in Accra Ghana.

Source: Kenya News Agency