Ship Rescues Nearly 200 Migrants Off Libya

MARSEILLE, FRANCE – The Ocean Viking on Saturday rescued 196 migrants off Libya, the humanitarian ship’s operator said.

It first picked up 57 people in an inflatable dinghy struggling in international waters off the North African country, SOS Mediterranee said.

In the afternoon, the ship’s crew carried out two additional rescues in the same area, plucking 54 people from a dinghy and 64 others from a wooden vessel.

In their latest operation, they saved 21 people from a wooden vessel.

The total rescued included at least two pregnant women and 33 minors, 22 of them unaccompanied.

According to the International Organization for Migration, at least 1,146 people died at sea trying to reach Europe during the first half of 2021.

SOS Mediterranee says it has rescued more than 30,000 people since February 2016, first with the ship Aquarius, then with Ocean Viking.

SOS Mediterranee accuses European Union governments of neglecting coordinated search-and-rescue action to discourage migrants from attempting the crossing from war-torn Libya, where they are often victims of organized crime and militia violence.

Libyan authorities are also accused of forcibly returning intercepted ships to Libya, even when they are in European waters.

A U.N. Human Rights Office report in late May urged Libya and the EU to overhaul their rescue operations, saying existing policies “fail to prioritize the lives, safety and human rights” of people attempting to cross from Africa.


Source: Voice of America

At 46, African Skateboarder Finally Wows Mom at Tokyo Games

TOKYO – At age 46, the second-oldest skateboarder at the Tokyo Games is hoping to not have a heart attack and have mounds of fun. Should be no problem. Fun has been a life’s work for Dallas Oberholzer.

“I have never had a real job. I have never applied for a job,” he says. “My whole life has just been skateboarding. I am just hooked.”

Skateboarding’s young guns, with their endorsements and boards bearing their names, have bigger tricks and bigger Instagram followings than the grizzled South African with a salt-and-pepper beard. Oberholzer isn’t expecting to beat them when they go wheel-to-wheel this week in Tokyo’s huge purpose-built Olympic skate bowl.

But Oberholzer has big tales, woven from a nomadic existence on four squeaky polyurethane wheels. If skateboarding is the punk rock sport of the Games, disruptive and not taking itself too seriously, then Oberholzer is its Iggy Pop — raw, wild and worn, someone who can talk and talk and talk.

About, say, when he worked as a concert chauffeur, ferrying around Janet Jackson’s dancers. Or his 16-month road trip, from Canada all the way to Argentina, after he graduated from university with a degree in marketing that he quickly realized he had no use for.

“Just a collection of experiences” is how he describes himself. Another description could be: A mascot for middle-aged people everywhere, flying the flag for Generation X against Gens Y and Z.

“I’m not going to win. I am not going to get a medal,” he said. “But, like, I am legitimately the best guy in Africa. By default, the best guy in Africa goes to the Olympics.”

“It’s just unbelievably epic,” he added. “It’s all expenses paid and it’s going to be the best course I would have ever skated in my life.”

Only Rune Glifberg, aka “the Danish Destroyer” and also 46, is older (by eight months) than Oberholzer among the 80 men and women competing in skateboarding’s Olympic debut in Tokyo.

In the men’s park competition on Thursday, Oberholzer and Glifberg — with their spiky shocks of grey-flecked hair — will face skaters less than half their age.

The women’s event on Wednesday has even younger skaters: Kokona Hiraki of Japan is just 12. In the women’s street event in Week 1, three young teens — 13, 13 and 16 — won gold, silver and bronze.

“I have got nothing to lose, nothing to prove. I know I am 46 and all I need to do is keep my cardio up so I can stay on my skateboard for 45 seconds,” Oberholzer said. “I’m going to be the one smiling, bro. I hope. Or I will be having a mild heart attack.”

Skating’s age range is remarkably broad for an Olympic event and testifies to the sport’s inclusivity. In July, skating pioneer Tony Hawk competed at the X Games at age 53, and was beaten by a 12-year-old, Gui Khury.

The sport’s coffee mug could read: “Skaters don’t grow old, they just get new wheels.”

“Skateboarding definitely makes you feel younger,” Glifberg said. “It’s not just a physical thing. It’s a lot to do with style and grace and just the way that you present yourself on the board.”

Whereas Gens Y and Z have had “how-to” videos on YouTube and Instagram to teach them tricks, Oberholzer and Glifberg had to find their own way.

Glifberg started right around the time that Back to the Future turned kids onto skating in 1985. For Oberholzer, it was a rented VHS copy of the 1986 movie Thrashin’, about skateboarding gangs, that “made all our eyeballs pop out.”

Until then, his sport had been tennis.

“I remember just thinking to myself, ‘I could play tennis and let the ball have all the fun or I could be the ball,'” he recalled. “And I’m like, ‘I want to be the ball. I want to be the one flying around.'”

Anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela was still in prison when Oberholzer started riding buses into central Johannesburg in search of places to skate. Schooled, like other white South Africans, separately from Black kids, it was on his board that Oberholzer first started to meet and mingle with Black peers who also skated.

“It really helped me get over my apartheid upbringing,” he said.

In turn, Oberholzer is giving back. He uses skateboarding to reach out to kids in tough neighborhoods, to keep them from drugs and gangs and help them develop skills. The Indigo Youth Movement he founded has built multiple skate parks and ramps.

But none of that has impressed his mum, Linda, quite like qualifying for the Olympics.

“My mom is finally happy with my life choices, bro. You know what a good feeling that is? It’s taken that long for my mom to acknowledge what I do with my life,” he said. “That’s probably the best thing I’m taking out of this, is that my mom finally goes, ‘Wow.'”


Source: Voice of America

Tunisian President, US Officials Discuss Swift Return to ‘Democratic Path’

TUNIS, TUNISIA – Tunisia’s President Kais Saied spoke Saturday with U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who conveyed U.S. President Joe Biden’s strong support for the people of Tunisia and for Tunisian democracy, National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne said in a White House press release.

The two spoke for an hour and “focused on the critical need for Tunisian leaders to outline a swift return to Tunisia’s democratic path,” the press release said. Sullivan underscored that this will require “rapidly forming a new government, led by a capable prime minister to stabilize Tunisia’s economy and confront the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as ensuring the timely return of the elected parliament.

“As Tunisia’s leaders answer the widely expressed demands of Tunisians for improved standards of living and honest governance, the United States and other friends of the Tunisian people stand ready to redouble our efforts to help Tunisia move toward a secure, prosperous, and democratic future,” the statement concluded.

On Friday, Tunisian authorities jailed an opposition lawmaker and briefly detained four members of the powerful Islamist movement Ennahdha in the wake of the president’s decision to seize exceptional powers, according to Tunisian media reports.

The Ennahdha members were brought before investigating magistrates and accused of trying to incite violence outside the parliament building after Saied’s announcement Sunday, according to party official Riadh Chaidi.

The four were questioned but later released for lack of proof of violence, Chaidi told The Associated Press.

The president suspended parliament, lifted the immunity of parliament members, fired the prime minister and took control of the executive branch. He said the move was necessary to save the country amid public anger at the government over joblessness, rising prices and one of Africa’s worst coronavirus outbreaks.

But Saied’s decision raised concerns about Tunisia’s young democracy. Critics — most notably Ennahdha — accused him of a coup. Ennahdha has been a major player in Tunisian legislative elections since the country’s 2011 revolution, which unleashed the Arab Spring uprisings across the region.

The next day, Ennahdha supporters skirmished with backers of the president outside parliament, but the crowd was eventually dispersed by police.

Among those detained Friday were the bodyguard of Ennahdha leader and parliament speaker Rachid Ghannouchi, his protocol officer and a member of the party’s advisory council.

The four were accused of inciting people from a working-class neighborhood close to parliament to bring sticks to carry out acts of violence during the rally, according to the official TAP news agency.

“There was no link with violence,” said Chaidi, a member of the party’s executive bureau. “Violence is not a choice of Ennahdha.”

He sought to minimize the detentions and played down concerns that they were a sign of a government crackdown singling out his party.

Also Friday, outspoken legislator Yassine Ayari was arrested outside his home, according to a Facebook post by his party, the Hope and Action Movement.

His lawyer Mokhtar Jemai said Ayari was apparently arrested in connection with a June 30 court conviction but was not informed of the reason for conviction. Ayari has spoken out against the military and the government and faced legal problems in the past, but no longer enjoys parliamentary immunity because of the president’s decisions.

On Thursday, the president named a new interior minister, his first major appointment since the shakeup. Ridha Gharsallaoui, a former national security adviser to the presidency, will now head the Interior Ministry, which oversees domestic security, including policing.


Source: Voice of America

UL collabore avec WIZZIT Digital pour faire progresser les paiements de détail en Afrique subsaharienne avec le lancement d’une solution de paiement mobile SoftPOS avec PIN

UL et WIZZIT Digital contribuent à accélérer le déploiement des paiements sans contact pour favoriser l’inclusion financière et permettre aux commerçants de toutes tailles de réaliser leurs ambitions.

JOHANNESBURG, le 31 juillet 2021 /PRNewswire/ — UL, le leader mondial des sciences de la sécurité, a annoncé que WIZZIT Digital, une société de paiements numériques, a lancé une solution logicielle de point de vente (SoftPOS) Tap2Pay avec prise en charge de la saisie du numéro d’identification personnel (PIN). Cette solution permet de transformer des appareils commerciaux (COTS) en terminaux de paiement de point de vente (POS). Tap2Pay est la première solution SoftPOS développée en Afrique du Sud qui prend en charge la saisie du code PIN et est reconnue par Visa et Mastercard. WIZZIT Digital est désormais opérationnel avec un premier client de lancement, l’une des plus grandes banques commerciales panafricaines.

UL has announced that WIZZIT Digital has launched a Tap2Pay software point-of-sale (SoftPOS) solution with personal identification number (PIN) entry support. This solution transforms commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices into point-of-sale (POS) payment terminals. Tap2Pay is the first SoftPOS solution developed in South Africa that supports PIN entry and is recognized by Visa and Mastercard. (PRNewsfoto/UL)

Pour surmonter les difficultés liées à la mise sur le marché d’une solution SoftPOS, UL a soutenu la solution Tap2Pay depuis son développement jusqu’à son entrée sur le marché. Dans un premier temps, UL a fourni des services de conseil pour aider WIZZIT Digital à s’orienter dans le paysage réglementaire des paiements et à répondre aux exigences des systèmes de paiement. Lorsque Tap2Pay a été prêt pour les tests fonctionnels, UL l’a testé avec une série d’outils accrédités par le système afin de fournir un retour sur les problèmes potentiels. Après le débogage et le dépannage, UL a fourni des services de tests fonctionnels et a aidé WIZZIT Digital à obtenir l’approbation du type pilote Visa. Après l’approbation fonctionnelle, les laboratoires de sécurité d’UL ont évalué la solution pour les programmes pilotes de sécurité de Mastercard et de Visa. Ces tests et évaluations par rapport aux exigences du projet ont permis à WIZZIT de mettre la solution sur le marché.

L’évaluation d’UL a confirmé que la solution Tap2Pay répondait aux principales exigences de sécurité avant d’entrer sur le marché. Il s’agissait notamment d’aider à affirmer la sécurité des données de paiement obtenues par une interface de communication en champ proche (NFC) et un noyau sans contact du dispositif COTS. Les mécanismes de sécurité, les contrôles et les mesures d’atténuation de la solution protègent les données du compte du consommateur et d’autres actifs.

Tap2Pay entre sur le marché à un moment où la demande de solutions de paiement sans contact augmente. Selon Deloitte, la pandémie de COVID-19 a rendu le besoin de numérisation des paiements plus critique que jamais. Cependant, de nombreux marchés émergents sont confrontés à des problèmes d’acceptation des cartes. Deloitte a également noté qu’en Afrique du Sud, environ 90 % des 100 000 magasins du secteur informel n’acceptent que des espèces. Pour répondre à la demande des clients et accroître l’acceptation des cartes par le marché des petites entreprises, y compris les commerçants des zones rurales, il faut une solution abordable.

UL Logo (PRNewsFoto/UL) (PRNewsFoto/UL)

Jako Fritz, conseiller principal en matière de sécurité chez UL, a déclaré : « SoftPOS est une approche entièrement nouvelle des paiements numériques qui réduit la barrière d’entrée pour les commerçants afin d’accepter les transactions par carte sans contact. L’informatique cloud, ainsi que le protocole Europay, MasterCard et Visa, permettent de passer du traditionnel point de vente physiquement sécurisé au traitement des transactions par logiciel COTS. Ces solutions aideront les propriétaires de micro-entreprises et de petites entreprises ainsi que les commerçants du monde entier à répondre aux exigences d’une société de plus en plus dépourvue de numéraire, de manière plus sûre et avec un investissement minimal. »

Expliquant comment Tap2Pay répond à un besoin non satisfait du marché, Brian Richardson, PDG et cofondateur de WIZZIT Digital, a déclaré : « Depuis près de deux décennies, nous travaillons avec des banques et des institutions financières sur les marchés émergents, y compris de nombreux pays d’frique. Notre expérience nous a appris deux choses. Tout d’abord, les consommateurs et les banques veulent la protection d’un code PIN lorsqu’ils effectuent des transactions sans contact. Dans un contexte de cyberfraude croissante, le code PIN offre un niveau de sécurité universellement accepté et auquel les gens font confiance. Deuxièmement, les solutions traditionnelles de paiement sans espèces sont trop coûteuses pour les micro et petits commerçants.

« Pour les petits commerçants, l’investissement initial dans les terminaux et les coûts de maintenance permanents sont tout simplement trop élevés. Tap2Pay SoftPos with PIN supprime cette barrière, permettant aux commerçants de toute taille d’accepter les paiements sans espèces. Cela leur permettra en fin de compte d’attirer davantage de clients, y compris ceux qui ne veulent pas payer en liquide des biens et des services, pour une fraction du coût », a déclaré M. Richardson.

À propos d’UL
UL est le leader mondial des sciences de la sécurité. Nous fournissons des services de test, d’inspection et de certification (TIC), de formation et de conseil, des solutions de gestion des risques et des informations commerciales essentielles pour aider nos clients, basés dans plus de 100 pays, à atteindre leurs objectifs de sécurité et de durabilité. Notre connaissance approfondie des produits et notre intelligence des chaînes d’approvisionnement font de nous le partenaire de choix des clients confrontés à des défis complexes. Découvrez-en davantage sur

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Contacts avec la presse :
Steven Brewster

Christina Bostock

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