Regional Bureau Southern Africa Population of Concern in RBSA 31-May-2021


RBSA Population Statistics are compiled monthly using data from ProgresV3/V4 and external government datasets. External data are statistics as of 31 May 2021 for IDP, IDP Returnees, Repatriation, Returnees, NIIS data from South Africa and Self Settled from Angola, Zambia, DRC and Zimbabwe which is using Progres V3 data.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Deputy Minister Buti Manamela hosts virtual “backchat” session in celebration of Youth Month,

The youth and entrepreneurship will be at the centre of the latest “backchat” session hosted by Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Buti Manamela, on 24 June 2021.

As the country marks Youth Month, high unemployment among young people remains a challenge.

The Deputy Minister will host the session at the National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences in Parktown, Johannesburg, on Thursday, 24 June 2021, at 17:30, to discuss this.

The session brings together diverse voices, fresh thinking and innovative ideas to create social value, drive progress and tackle problems.

The dialogue with young entrepreneurs and change-makers will address, among other matters, youth empowerment and development, and transformation issues that are critical to our shared future.

The Deputy Minister will be joined by young individuals and will share insights on how the journey started and what still needs to be done, with the aim of encouraging young people in South Africa and helping them to reach their potential. In this way, the session will address the processes of social change and the transformation of society in its historical and cultural context.

Backchat sessions are a platform for unmediated conversations between the Deputy Minister and young writers, activists and students, including from the diaspora, as well as policy makers, academics and government officials. The intention is to raise awareness and encourage robust conversation among participants, and to give them an opportunity for their voices to be heard.

In compliance with Level 3 lockdown restrictions, only the panellists and the Deputy Minister will physically present for the session. All other participants are requested to join virtually.

Source: Government of South Africa

WP South Sudan Situation Report #289, 18 June 2021

In Numbers

7.24 million people facing acute food insecurity from April to July 2021 (IPC)

1.9 million acutely malnourished women and children (IPC)

2.6 million people assisted by WFP in April 2021

1.47 million internally displaced people (OCHA)

2.2 million South Sudanese refugees (UNHCR)


WFP is deeply concerned about the rising violence and security incidents targeted at humanitarian workers in South Sudan. On 7 June, two aid workers working for Doctors with Africa CUAMM, a WFP nutrition international NGO partner, were killed in a roadside attack at Mabuoi village along the Mapuordit-Aluakluak road in Yirol West county, Lakes State.

WFP South Sudan has saved at least 5,000 MT of food commodities and $5.6 million USD in cash by removing excess people, identified biometrically as duplicate, from distribution lists since November 2019.

To date, 66 out of 73 dyke breach points (or 18.4 km) have been repaired along Baidit- Jalle- Mabior while approximately 7 dyke breach points are left in Bor South to be repaired. Baidit Town is now connected to Bor which allowed WFP to send a food convoy of 338 mt. WFP is urgently trying to complete as much repairs as possible ahead of the heavy rains.

Situation Update

WFP is deeply concerned about the rising violence and security incidents targeted at humanitarian workers in South Sudan. On 7 June, two aid workers working for Doctors with Africa CUAMM, a WFP nutrition international NGO partner, were killed in a roadside attack at Mabuoi village along the Mapuordit-Aluakluak road in Yirol West county, Lakes State. The clearly marked humanitarian vehicles were part of a convoy returning from a health facility. This latest attack means that four humanitarian aid workers have been killed in less than four weeks. Violence against humanitarians has increased across the country, particularly as aid workers have been directly attacked and brutally killed by criminals and armed youth groups. In two locations, humanitarian operations have been suspended pending assurances of safety and security by the government. The rising violence will continue to disrupt with humanitarian operations – negatively impacting people’s livelihoods and access to food assistance, health services, water and sanitation.

The ration cuts first implemented in April as a result of funding constraints mean that people are starting to resort to negative coping strategies and destabilise the camps. On 11 June 2021, towards the end of BSFP distribution, Non-BSFP targeted refugees in JamJang, Pamir camp forcefully broke into the distribution site and robbed 3.708 mt of CSB++ destined for pregnant and lactating women and children aged 6-23 months, claiming the nutrition supplies should be distributed to everyone. Following the GFD ration reduction, beneficiaries are struggling to meet the other 50% of their food needs and continue to appeal to WFP to increase the ration. In addition to advocating for more funding, WFP is working with partners to identify livelihood opportunities to compliment the reduced food basket and will continue to monitor the effects and consequences of these ration cuts.

There is a growing frustration among youth regarding high unemployment and the lack of income opportunities for youth, resulting in their demands that non-indigenous local staff be removed. In Eastern Equatoria, humanitarian actors are working with state and national authorities to resolve the impasse with the Monyomiji youth.

WFP is grateful for recent contributions from ECHO and Sweden. ECHO confirmed USD 2,930,832 (EUR 2.5 million) for Activity 5 and 6 under HIP 2021 and Sweden for USD 3,584,658 to crisis response activities.

Source: World Food Programme

President Cyril Ramaphosa arrives in Mozambique for SADC Summit

President Cyril Ramaphosa has arrived in Maputo, the Republic of Mozambique to participate in the Extraordinary Summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) scheduled for later today, Wednesday, 23 June 2021.

The Summit will among others consider the proposed SADC Regional Response and Support to the Republic of Mozambique to address terrorism and acts of violent extremism in the Cabo Delgado Province in the Republic of Mozambique.

This Summit is a follow up of the Extraordinary SADC Double Troika Summit that took place in Mozambique, on 27 May 2021.

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Dr Naledi Pandor and the Minister of State Security Ms Ayanda Dlodlo.

Source: Government of South Africa

BBBEE Commission hosts Youth Month dialogue on economic inclusion and youth employment, 25 Jun

The B-BBEE Commission will be hosting a virtual Youth dialogue under the theme “Promoting economic inclusion and youth employment”. The dialogue arises out of the need to debate issues that the becoming a barrier to transformation, inclusion and employment for young people.

The dialogue follows the recent release of statistics (by Statistics South Africa) on the high level of youth unemployment in South Africa, which points out a major concern. The debate will be structured around the pillars of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment, which include Ownership and Management control, Skills Development for youth, Enterprise Development.

The intention is to provide a platform for the youth to voice out their lived realities, challenges associated with inclusion into the economy through B-BBEE pillars and in turn explore the means for increasing employment. The panellists of the virtual dialogue will consists of Youth Leaders from the Black Management Forum, Black Forum South Africa (Youth Chapter), Black Business Council (Youth Desk).

Details of the dialogue are as follows:

Date: 25 June 2021

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Platform: Virtual (Zoom)

Webinar Link: is external)

Webinar ID: 998 2554 9969

Media participation: Journalists may follow the panel discussion via live streaming on the following social media links

Source: Government of South Africa