1st Hellenic Medical Diaspora World Congress (15–17.07.2022, Thessaloniki)


The General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad & Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University organize the 1st Hellenic Medical Diaspora World Congress in Thessaloniki (15-17.07.2022) – under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior, Sector Macedonia – Thrace.

The Medical Greek Diaspora World Congress will comprise of two parallel conferences: The Aristotle Medical Forum, organized by the School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the “1st International Conference of the Hellenic Medical Diaspora”, coordinated by Hellenic Medical Societies.

The strategic objective of this unprecedented Medical Congress, that will be held at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall (M2), is to bring together doctors and health specialists of Greek descent from around the world and to lay the groundwork for innovative initiatives and interdisciplinary synergies. Moreover, the Congress will highlight the exceptionally high level of expertise of Greek doctors abroad, as well as in Greece.

It should be noted that the Congress has been accredited with 18 CME-CPD credits. In order to attend, please register under https://diaspora.med.auth.gr/amf2022/, where all necessary information regarding the Congress is also available.

Leading researchers, distinguished scientists and professors will honor the Congress with their presence, while there is also the alternative of online participation under: https://www.medevents.gr/congress/amf22