10,000 Residents To Benefit From Rehabilitated Ndukuma Earth Dam

Over 10,000 residents from Kikumini/Muvau Ward in Makueni Sub-County are set to benefit from the desilting of the Ndukuma earth dam which is being rehabilitated by the County Government of Makueni at a cost of Sh50 million. Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior said the 700,000 cubic meter capacity water dam will serve 10 villages in the area and Wote Township after the completion at the end of the month after commissioning the dam on Wednesday. Ten villages that are set to benefit include Kaseve, Nthembe, Mandoi, Miteveni, Wendo, Munyuni, Nzaai, Kiatine and Mumbuni in Makueni Sub-County. The Governor said they have embarked on Phase II where they will construct a water treatment plant and a water storage tank that will enable residents to use the water for both domestic and irrigation purposes. He said the move will boost food security at the County level as small scale farmers will utilize the water to irrigate their land thus enhance food production and avoid dependence on relief food. ‘This is the solution to food insecurity, the County governments have the capacity to do these projects at a lower cost compared to the national government,’ he said. Speaking at the same function, the Water and Sanitation County Executive Committee Member Engineer John Kasyoki Kieti said that the scope of work entailed removal of accumulated silt and reinforcing the dam wall with compacted clay to reduce seepage. Kieti also disclosed that the dam will have check dams to control the siltation besides constructing a fence and planting trees around the 58-acre land.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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