WP Namibia Country Brief, May 2021

In Numbers

US$ 5.8 m six-month (June – November 2021) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

Food Assistance Programme: Vouchers

In partnership with the Government through the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), WFP is piloting a food assistance programme using vouchers in Kunene and Ohangwena regions, targeting 2,700 beneficiaries. The programme will be launched in June focusing on food insecure households severely affected by Covid-19 and consecutive years of prolonged drought, including locust invasion in 2020. A retail assessment was finalized in the two regions to determine the capacity of retailers and the feasibility for using vouchers as a transfer modality, prices variation as well as availability of commodities on the market. The results were conclusively positive for the voucher programme in all dimensions.

Namibia Home Grown School Feeding Programme (HGSFP)

To diversify school meals, WFP is supporting the government through the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC) to Pilot the HGSFP. A high-level inter-sectoral consultation meeting on HGSFP was held to orient senior government officials, developmental partners, and the academia on the HGSFP. This resulted in enhanced national buy-in, as well as an establishment of coordination mechanisms to support the implementation of the programme. In addition, a high-level consultation meeting on Global Coalition for school feeding was conducted with the aim to engage and invite the Government to join the Global Coalition. The Government agreed to join the rest of the countries on the coalition and is in the process of formalizing the agreement by signing a declaration of support to the coalition.

Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) study

In the last quarter of 2020, WFP embarked on a Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) study. The FNG study was designed to gain insights and develop strategies to address one of the direct causes of malnutrition. The preliminary results of the study were presented to the national technical taskforce. WFP has embarked on sensitizing high-level government officials including ministers to present these findings and get their buy in towards the implementation of the recommendations. The final report is expected to be finalized in July. Once in place, the final findings of the FNG will enable government to make informed policy decisions on the food security needs for vulnerable communities e.g. children under five years, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and the adolescent girl child.

Source: World Food Programme

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