In Numbers
2,734 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 297,364 cash transferred under assistance to refugees and IDPs
US$ 14.6 m net funding requirements for the next six months (June – November 2021)
660,992 people assisted in May 2021
Operational Updates
Assistance to refugees
WFP provided 594 mt of in-kind food and cash-based transfers (CBT) of USD 259,401 to 50,631 refugees (22,278 males, 28,353 females, 13,670 children aged 6-59 months and 2,025 people aged over 60 years). In-kind food consisted of cereals, vegetable oil and salt. Cash based transfers were provided to substitute beans (pulses) which were yet to arrive in country. The provision of pulses will resume in June.
Assistance to returnees
WFP assisted 8,081 Burundi returnees (3,960 males and 4,121 females) with 356 mt of in-kind food. The assistance consisted of hot meals provided at the transit centres, and a threemonth return package consisting of cereals, pulses, vegetable oil and salt. This facilitated the re-integration of returnees in their communities.
Food assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs)
WFP also used a combination of CBT and in-kind food to assist 14,515 IDPs including households displaced by the rising waters of Lake Tanganyika in Rumonge province, and those affected by flooding in Gatumba, Bujumbura. A total of 141 mt of food and CBT worth USD 30,423 was transferred. Cash based transfers were provided to substitute beans.
Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM)
Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition activities were implemented in Cankuzo, Kirundo, Ngozi, and Rutana provinces reaching some 7,570 moderately malnourished pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLWGs), and 9,219 children aged 6-59 months with 128 mt of specialized nutritious foods. Distributions were coupled with social behaviour change communication (SBCC) implemented by Community Workers.
Prevention of chronic malnutrition
Under stunting prevention, WFP reached 43,546 children aged 6-23 months and 22,879 PLWGs with 230 mt of specialized nutritious food in Kirundo province. Activities included a strong SBCC component.
School Feeding Programme
The school feeding programme reached 503,716 school children with 1,285 mt of food (including 148 mt of milk) in Bubanza, Cibitoke, Bujumbura, Muyinga, Gitega, Ngozi and Kirundo Provinces.
Source: World Food Programme