WP Burkina Faso Country Brief, July 2021


In Numbers

7,958 mt of food distributed

USD 4.2 million of cash distributed

USD 128 million six months (August 2021-January 2022) net funding requirements

1,263,024 people assisted in July 2021

Operational Updates

Assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs): In July, WFP assisted 547,022 IDPs residing in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Est, Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions, through cash-based transfers (CBT) and in-kind rations. The food basket offered to families also included specialised nutritious foods (Super Cereal) for 44,941 children aged 6-23 months and pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLW/Gs).

On 30 July and 1 August, WFP proceeded to a second special operation via UNHAS in Mansila (Sahel), distributing 40 mt food and nutritional products to 4,289 IDPs and host community members. The situation in this especially hard-toreach area is dire: insecurity prevents people from having access to food as they cannot grow crops and the market is closed.

Assistance to refugees: WFP provided lifesaving assistance to 26,604 Malian refugees. For the first time since November 2020, WFP resumed the distribution of mixed rations composed of in-kind and CBT to refugees at Goudébou camp (close to Dori). Mixed rations have the advantage of meeting the refugee’s food needs and preferences. It also allows them to better manage the assistance received. Due to security constraints, WFP continued to assist refugees living in Djibo exclusively with in-kind food rations.

Lean season response: During the month of July, WFP supported 620,774 displaced persons and host population members at risk of food insecurity during the lean season (June-August) in the Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions.

To this end, WFP distributed USD 1.8 million of CBT assistance and 6,429 mt of food – including nutritional supplements intended for 56,096 children aged 6-23 months and PLW/Gs.

Nutrition: As part of its fight against moderate acute malnutrition, WFP supported the diagnosis, reference and treatment of 60,689 PLW/Gs and children aged 6-59 months.

Nutrition activities took place in the Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel regions.

Resilience: Amongst other achievements of asset creation and development, beneficiary communities have sown cereals (sorghum, millet) and pulses (cowpea) on 1,873 ha of land that was recovered via zaï in the Centre-Nord, Nord and Sahel regions. Zaï is a farming technique traditionally used in West Africa and especially in Burkina Faso. It consists of digging pits in the soil (of a 20-30 cm diameter and 10-15 cm depth) to catch water and concentrate compost, which enhances the restoration of degraded drylands and increases soil fertility.

In July, WFP carried out trainings of trainers in all the four regions where its climate microinsurance programme is implemented (Centre-Nord, Est, Nord, and Sahel). The enrolment of farmers by insurance brokers is underway, with the support of local partners. A target of 5,000 beneficiaries is expected for the 2021 agricultural campaign.

A joint regional programme for the Sahel in response to the combined challenges of COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change (SD3C-SEN) was launched on 16 July in Burkina Faso. The programme’s objective is to improve rural producers’ economic opportunities & livelihoods and capacity to face the “3Cs”. The Government, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and WFP will work together to achieve this goal.

Social Protection: In Ouagadougou, WFP continued to support vulnerable adolescent girls with trainings and CBT assistance. A total of 210 of their households (corresponding to a total of 1,468 people) benefited in July from this safety net project.

Source: World Food Programme


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