West and Central Africa: Situation Report, 16 August 2021



In 2021,more than 54.3 million West and Central Africans require assistance. Eight countries in the region are beset with some of the world’s most acute and prolonged crises.

Compared to 2019, the number of people in need in the region has increased by 43 per cent. More than 1 person in 10 requires assistance and protection in 2021.

In conflict-affected regions, almost 13 million people have had to flee their homes,1.5 million more than one year ago. Insecurity and violence are threatening people’s lives

COVID-19 is further compounding acute needs. Sahel countries registered nearly 300,000 cases. Despite challenges, the delivery of assistance continued with adapted modalities.

More than US $6.1 billion are needed to meet the humanitarian needs of 34.6 million people in the region. As of July 2021, only 18 per cent of the required funding has been secured

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs


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