Wekly Operational Update on COVID-19 (12 July 2021)



In this edition of the COVID-19 Weekly Operational Update, highlights of country-level actions and WHO support to countries include:

Scaling up COVID-19 vaccination in Africa

Supporting Malaysia’s COVID-19 response and emergency preparedness

Enhancing COVID-19 testing – an investment in health

Biosafety and biosecurity training in Uzbekistan

Renovation of biosafety laboratories: enabling advancements in Thailand

Donating portable pulse oximeters to Belize

2020 Progress Report of the Incident Management Support Team for COVID-19 in WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region

Using OpenWHO to disseminate pandemic biosafety learning materials in Angola

Preparing cities for health emergencies from all-hazards risks and WHO Partners Platform teaming up with ECHO to support the scale up and roll-out of COVID-19 vaccine doses

Progress on a subset of indicators from the SPRP 2021 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Updates on WHO’s financing to support countries in SPRP 2021 implementation and provision of critical supplies.

Source: World Health Organization


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