Water and Sanitation givers progress on Lower Thukela Bulk Water Supply Scheme in iLembe District, 09 Sept


Department of Water and Sanitation to give progress on the Lower Thukela Bulk Water Supply Scheme which supplies water in the iLembe District

The Department of Water and Sanitation in KwaZulu-Natal (DWS KZN) invites members of the media to a media tour to the Lower Thukela Bulk Water Supply Scheme on Thursday, 09 September 2021. The scheme provides reliable supply of safe drinking water to an estimated 28 000 households or an estimate of 140 000 people in the iLembe District Municipality.

The Lower Thukela Bulk Water Supply Scheme is based in Mandini within the iLembe District Municipality. It is one of the Province’s largest bulk potable water infrastructure projects funded by the Department of Water and Sanitation together with its entity Umgeni Water, for an amount of more than R1 billion.

The media tour will be led by the Department’s Regional Head, Mr. Ashley Starkey and officials from Umgeni Water. Members of the media will be given an opportunity to have a first-hand account of how the Scheme works. There will also be a platform given to the media to engage with officials from the Department and Umgeni Water, pertaining to water and sanitation service delivery related concerns in the District.

Source: Government of South Africa


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