VRON 2020: Vulnerability Assessment of Refugees of Other Nationalities in Lebanon



For over five decades, refugees from the Middle East and Africa have sought protection in Lebanon. These include refugees from Iraq, Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Yemen and other countries, many of which have been in Lebanon prior to the Syrian crisis. The compounded crisis in Lebanon, including economic deterioration and rising inflation, COVID-19 outbreak and the Beirut port blast has impacted all persons living in Lebanon, including refugees of all nationalities.

By the end of August 2020, there were 6,608 registered refugee families from countries of origin other than Syria.

Just over half the population is comprised of Iraqis (54%) and one quarter are Sudanese (26%). Other countries of origin include Ethiopia, Egypt, Yemen, and others.


The Vulnerability Assessment of Refugees of Other Nationalities (VARON) is an annual survey, with 2020 marking the sixth year of this assessment. Since 2016, the VARON has been a key tool for advocacy and program design.

The 2020 VARON was conducted jointly between UNHCR and WFP, with the support of the Inter-agency Coordination Unit. Data collection took place through UNHCR partners in September 2020 (See Methodology Chapter for more details). UNHCR led the data analysis for indicators concerning demographics, protection, health, and education. The Inter-agency Coordination Unit conducted the analysis for indicators related to shelter, WASH and energy, while WFP led on economic vulnerability, livelihoods, food consumption, coping strategies and food security.

The key objectives of the VARON include:

Providing a multi-sectoral update of the situation of refugees from Iraq and other countries in Lebanon through an annual household survey. The survey covers key indicators related to multiple sectors including protection, shelter, water and hygiene, health, livelihoods, socio-economic vulnerability, food security and more.

Enhancing the targeting for the provision of multipurpose cash assistance. The data gathered through the VARON, particularly on expenditure, is used to build econometric models, which are used to determine eligibility for multi-purpose cash and food assistance.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees


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