UNHCR MENA Regional Cash Assistance Update January to March 2021 (Q1)

This update covers sixteen operations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in which cash-based interventions (CBIs) are currently implemented.

Key Highlights

1,059,544 unique individuals reached with all modalities of cash assistance from January to March 2021.

The majority, or equal to 976,481 unique individuals were reached with multi-purpose cash assistance, and the remaining 83,063 unique individuals with other types of sectoral CBIs including grants towards Health, Education, etc.

94,761 unique individuals were reached with emergency cash assistance as part of the COVID-19 response, for a total of USD 4,204,224 million.

USD 48,764,546 million distributed via all modes of cash assistance from January to March 2021, out of which USD 34,945,202 million was to Syrians and USD 13,819,344 million to persons of other nationalities.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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