Tematic Evaluation of Supply Chain Outcomes in the Food System in Eastern Africa from 2016 to 2021, Decentralized Evaluation Terms of Reference


1. Background

1. These terms of reference (ToR) were prepared by the World Food Programme (WFP) Regional Bureau in Nairobi (RBN) based upon an initial document review and consultation with stakeholders and following a standard template. The purpose of these terms of reference is to provide key information to stakeholders about the evaluation, to guide the evaluation team and to specify expectations during the various phases of the evaluation.


1. These ToR are for the final thematic evaluation of WFP Supply Chain Outcomes in the Food System in the Eastern Africa region, covering nine country offices (CO) (Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan,

Uganda). This evaluation is commissioned by WFP Regional Bureau for Eastern Africa in Nairobi (thereafter RBN) and will cover the period from January 2016 to December 2020. The evaluation will take place from August to December 2021.

2. The subject of the evaluation includes a wide range of supply chain activities implemented by procurement and logistics teams, in collaboration with programmes, within WFP RBN and nine of its COs. At country level, these activities are anchored within Country Strategic Plans (CSPs), and serve to operationalize programmatic priorities, and are often integrated with specific programme modalities and activities to achieve target CSP outcomes. At a regional level, RBN has begun looking at these activities more holistically to strengthen its overall impact on increasing access to and availability of affordable quality nutritious foods. A newer emphasis in achieving this goal is through strengthening country food systems and local economies. At a lower level, activities are viewed to be more directly contributing to the following outcomes: supply chain resilience and competitiveness, as well as reducing food loss/waste.

3. While activities and overall focus differ by country, activities generally fall within three categories: production, transformation, and consumption (see summary description table below and section 3 for more details) and contribute to higher level outcomes in different ways. Across these activities and above-mentioned outcomes, WFP has begun adopting a food systems lens, which ultimately entails designing and implementing activities in a way that takes into consideration how interventions integrate and effect with the actors, linkages, and dynamics across the food system from production through consumption. For WFP, the below activities are critical points of intervention that leverage supply chain expertise towards addressing key food systems issues. During the inception phase, activities to be considered by the evaluation will be further prioritized.

Source: World Food Programme


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