Premier Sisi Ntombela leads Vaccination Campaign at Phuthaditjhaba Multipurpose Centre, 14 Oct

Premier Ntombela to lead vaccination drive in Qwaqwa with traditional leadership

The Premier of the Free State Sisi Ntombela together with the MEC for Health, Montseng Tsiu will on Thursday, 14 October 2021, lead Vaccination Campaign at the Phuthaditjhaba Multipurpose Centre in Qwaqwa. The campaign will attended by various organisations including traditional leadership that has responded to the clarion call to encourage citizens to be vaccinated.

More vaccination sites will be activated through the Provincial Department of Health. This is the increased efforts by the government to get as many people as it can to be vaccinated. The campaign gives effect to a call by President Ramaphosa for every Minister, Premier and Mayor to convene at least one prominent event in every district in the country to support and encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Deputy President of the Republic of South Africa, David Mabuza, is also expected to join the programme virtually.

Source: Government of South Africa

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