Pblic Works and Infrastructure on Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme


Request for Information (RFI) to open for the Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP) to generate revenue and savings across the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) property portfolio.

Introduction of the Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP) and context:

The Department of Public Works & Infrastructure (DPWI), as the largest landlord and facilities manager in the country, has a responsibility to not only deliver and manage quality infrastructure but to combat climate change and sustainable development through its mandate – such as providing buildings for government service delivery.

With South Africa grappling with load shedding, water shortages and accelerated effects of climate change, all of which have far reaching consequences on society, our response as government to these challenges must be citizen-centric, focussing on the well-being of our people, protecting the environment, improving citizens’ lives and addressing the injustices of our past.

When President Cyril Ramaphosa outlined the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP) in October 2020, infrastructure development was identified as a key catalyst in rejuvenating the economy.

In line with our commitment to delivering quality infrastructure and using resource efficient methods, later this month, on 20 September 2021, the DPWI will be releasing a Request for Information (RFI) for the Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP), for additional ideas and information which comprehensively looks at ways to deliver mutual value through strong partnerships across Government and the private sector.

Also known as the Photovoltaic (PV) and Water Savings on Government Buildings Programme, this project was gazetted as a Strategic Integrated Project (SIP) in July 2020 as part of a credible pipeline of projects in the Infrastructure Investment Plan which was approved by Cabinet in May 2020.

The SIPs prioritises infrastructure development in South Africa, as envisaged by the Infrastructure Development Act

The DPWI property portfolio as the largest property portfolio in the country is responsible for the consumption of a significant amount of electricity and water and generation of a significant amount of waste. Recent studies places annual electricity and water consumption at an estimated 4021 Gigawatt hours 39 million kilolitres respectively, with over 822 kilotons of waste generated. This equates to an average annual expenditure on electricity and water of R2.4 billion and R1.8 billion respectively.

What does the iREREP project aim to achieve?

Over the 30 years, the projected savings from the programme include:

• Savings and revenue worth over R401bn by 2050, which can be reallocated to other government priorities;

• Over R253 billion direct contribution to the GDP;

• 3 800 new small businesses will be developed majority being black-owned;

• Skills development opportunities for more than 117 000 people;

• An estimated 146 000 jobs created;

• A reduction in energy use intensity of between 22% and 45%;

• A water use intensity reduction of between 30% and 55%;

• A reduction in waste and diversion of 50% of current waste from landfill sites, saving 12m tons;

• A reduction in CO2 and other GHG emission by over 54.5 megatons

The Programme has received National Treasury approval for Phase 1 and has been registered to be implemented in collaboration with the private sector on a full Design, Finance, Build, Operate, Transfer (DFBOT) basis, allowing the Programme to proceed to Phase 2.

In my budget speech in May this year, I announced that this SIP will be able to go to market in the next few months and that is now imminent with the RFI process opening on 20 September 2021.

The RFI is intended to commence the Departmental procurement process that spurs growth, values resilience and low-carbon transition as well as promotes innovation to turn around the economic prosperities of the country.

In line with the DPWI Green Building Policy which consolidates the various legislation and policies to meet South Africa’s sustainability target, the DPWI has translated these targets, which we will implement through the Department’s Integrated Renewable Energy and Resource Efficiency Programme (iREREP).

The next phase will involve the issuance of Requests for Proposals expected later this year.

This programme presents a unique opportunity to harness the partnership between government and business to create a prosperous South Africa.

This is an opportunity for large scale innovation in government that not only promotes resource efficiency and saves money but it is a major effort to protect the planet against the devastating effects of climate change.

As government, business and residents, we all need to step up and look for more ways to save water, reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions because it is our duty to ensure we take care of the planet now for future generations.

Source: Government of South Africa


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