Minister Senzo Mchunu assesses water supply and infrastructure development status in KwaZulu-Natal


Minister Mchunu assures water supply in KwaZulu-Natal province

Minister Senzo Mchunu today embarked on a Ministerial visit in KwaZulu-Natal to assess the status of water supply and infrastructure development in the province. He met with the executives of the provincial government, led by Premier Sihle Zikalala, who presented the plan to resolve water challenges in the province.

Minister Mchunu expressed his concern for incomplete water projects in the province. He mentioned that incomplete water projects will be followed up and there will be investment on more sustainable projects, inclusive of boreholes and water pipelines.

The Minister also highlighted a critical issue of usage of Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines in schools in KwaZulu-Natal. He said the Department of Water and Sanitation will engage with the Department of Basic Education, to assist with the eradication of this embarrassing practice at some of the schools in KwaZulu-Natal.

Minister Mchunu acknowledged that there is crisis of water supply in some parts of the province and there is hope that there will be positive interventions to ensure that people have access to water. He supported the KZN Water Master Plan initiated by the provincial government which outlines water-related challenges as well as the short, medium and long-term solutions to address water issues in the province.

“Water is a right in terms of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of this country, and therefore this obliges me as the Minister of Water and Sanitation to ensure that happens”, said Minister Mchunu.

Minister Mchunu mentioned that there will be a Sanitation Framework designed for the whole country for the facilitation of delivery of sanitation services. “The framework will be observed mainly by municipalities and we are looking forward to a more dynamic engagement, not to only try and understand the issues in the province but rather to focus on the delivery of the essential services of water and sanitation”, said Minister Mchunu.

The Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, Sihle Zikalala applauded the visit by the Minister of Water and Sanitation which will ensure that the work of the three spheres of government are being integrated. He said this will be critical in making more impact on the development of the people.

“All of us should commit and reinforce funding for water projects and infrastructure development in the province. We are grateful for a commitment from the Department of Water and Sanitation led by the Minister, to ensure that the achievable implementation of the Master Plan is realised”, said Premier Zikalala.

Source: Government of South Africa


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